Monday, May 18, 2009


We do not Choose our Blessings, they Choose Us.
A Blessing is a gift from GOD, and we do not choose our gifts. A gift may be something that we needed all along... something someone else noticed we needed.

A new coffee maker, a warm sweater.

A chance to start over, a warm smile, a voice of encouragement.

It is best that we not think like the child who does not understand the loving wisdom of mother who got him that warm sweater, instead of the bright shiny toy he wanted.

If you examine your life carefully, along each change that comes into it, you may find you are being more actively loved and led by divine wisdom than you thought.

If we focus on what we DO have as opposed to what we lack, we will manifest more. It may start with the little things, but those little things are all part of what we have to be grateful for and let me tell you that was a difficult lesson for me to learn.

We live in a world that is so focused on getting more than we already often drives people into misery, only becuase they do not see the beauty they have already...and then manifesting more of that. Keeping the focus, is an utmost important key to happiness.

We all have trials and pain throughout our life and I know that some of my trials/lessons have turned out to be my biggest blessings. I must keep reminding myself GOD DOES NOT GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE..

I love the fact I kept reminding myself and my kids each day about the little things... Nobody said it was gonna be easy, But They did say it was gonna be worth it...Im a believer !!!

Well, I'm back I hope this enlightens you as it is for me - I'm not gonna lie sometimes im slacking but I haven't forgotten to atleast utter the words...."Thank you for all the Blessings YOU have given me".

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