Saturday, July 18, 2009


Two beautiful red roses with hearts on a white background photo

The whole idea of hanging on to one more day for anything you really are aching for can make you feel a bit frustrated and lost. You feel as if you are spending time that could be for nothing, in that nothing space lies a space of growth and learning how to become your own person. You cannot rely on another to bring you that 100% happiness, you have to have your part in it as well. As you develope that "wait time" you are changing on the inside out. You become more intuned with who you are and what you can do on your own. When we hold on for another day it brings us closer to what our true purpose in life is, it does not have to be a movie star or a millionaire, those are wonderful but, it shows us how to set a pace for ourself. We learn how to deal with every day things that are really miracles, we learn from everything everyday, so as we are holding on for one more day we build that excitement, we build that power within our very walls.

If you really have a true connection with out expectations of someone, or something you than allow the flow to happen. If you start to dig around and say I will not accept this or that or if they do not do this or that, than I am not going to deal with them. You just closed off all doorways to another day closer. I am not saying to tolerate behaviors that are unhealthy, what I am saying, how about letting someone get to their space/place that they need to be in inorder to be who they are.Maybe their growth requires them to be angry, or upset or unconnected to you at this very time. What if what they are doing does not require your help on any level, that your job is to allow them to go through their own turmoil as it may seem. That is loving someone by allowing them to get to where they need to go even if it is not with you at this present time. Nothing ever says it is forever, and that it will never turn out the way we so desire it too. It just takes some people longer and some people shorter times. If you are one who is stubborn in your thinking and will not allow because you feel you will not be hurt, than you just shut a door. You have to take a chance sometimes with having faith.

Faith gets us through so many circumstances. Just because things may have been tough and may have seemed impossible does not mean it will always be that way, that is very limited thinking and that serves no one any good. everything we go through is for a reason and to stretch us to become more of who we are, and we have people in our life that do that to us as well. I may not like certain people behaviors and actions but- that does not mean deep down I do not honor that they are stretching me to become wiser and a much better person.

Hello Everyone, it's been awhile since the last time i send you guys a blog. I've been very busy taking care of stuff here at home and plus my kids are home with me everyday ....ahhhhhh!!!! I have 2 full time jobs. I do appreciate you guys still following my blogs ,it really means a lot to me. Thank you very Much.

Beautiful body of woman against petals of red roses photo

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