Thursday, August 6, 2009


Sexy is not having how you look and how you dress. Sexy and mature is a behavior that is about self growth, self love, personal responsibility and not blaming anyone for what is wrong in your life.
When a person blames, they are giving away their power. That is a child like behavior. Adults know that they can make or break their own life. No one can make us feel anything. No one can harm us without our consent.
It is hard to take responsibility for our own lives but necessary.


1. Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself that you are a beautiful and intelligent person that knows the truth that no one can fix your life for you.

2. Tell yourself that you own the power to create your life. No romance, job, friend, family,etc has that power in your life. You are the sole person responsible for you.

3. Do not blame the parents, an ex or no one for your pain. It is your pain and your job to heal it.

4. Do not look outside of yourself for validation. Someone telling you that you are attractive or that they love you is subjective and can be taken away from you at any time. You telling you how much you love yourself is everlasting.

5. Do not expect people to accommodate your needs. People have their own lives and you are not # 1 in their lives. They are #1 in their life.

6. Not everything is about your feelings. Our feelings lie to us and are based on mostly painful past situations

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