Friday, August 21, 2009


The Earth,girl and a sea together. photo

Sometimes in our lives we have to let someone or something go for change to happen. We hurt sometimes more profound for we feel the reasons, and we know the outcomes and we would like to make the outcomes come forth faster. I know that so many people wait for people and feel the high intensity of the other person as if they are apart of them. As if you cannot even breathe at times or move. When you have to set someone free so they can develope in their life what they need and that can be painful but, so worth it in the end. You do this for the sake of the process and evolution to take place. That does not mean that you will not come back together, when you have strong faith and truth you can never go wrong ever! God holds us in a space of clarity sometimes and when we are able to reach that space we will move once again forward. Every single person goes through a movement that can not always be explained in such a way that will make sense, why is that? Because everything is not suppose to make logical sense. Spirit works through a realm that is so much more profound than anything we can see with our own eyes.

So I will leave you with Trust the process and know in your heart that people are really changing for the better even if it looks ugly on the surface. Even if it seems as if it will never happen, or it is over thy end. That is not the truth, it is not the cause or effect. Trust in the knowing of the heart that is deeply leading the way for those who want that.

A good Friend Just text me and said..." Ann,Now an opportunity is opening up for you , a window is being opened by the Divine, don't get stuck in the past, jump through the window and be saved, healed. Walk peacefully into a new chapter of your life."

Peace to you ,

Chinese Art for Happiness on Blue Paper photo

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