Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cancer Horoscope for May 2010

The month will be a great time for you to focus on love, friendships and children. You will actually have a few opportunities to travel but this month seems to be a time where your more focused on staying at home. On May 2nd your focus will turn to taking a quick short trips especially to a place near water. You may have already been planning this trip for a couple weeks ago so it's a great time to just get out and have a little fun. Mercury is currently retrograding so it could of brought some delays for you. Right now it would be a great time to move forward with this trip. You may have to invest in a vehicle, computer or new phone. Saturn will finally go direct on May 30th so any quick trip, travel or communication should run much smoothly. Prior to that Mercury will go direct on May 12th making it even a smoother transition for travel to run smoothly. Your communication will increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may write more frequently than before. You may be surprised of the creative work you put together.

A lover or child may come to you on May 3rd and 19th. You may find love, fall in love or run into an old lover from your past. Old issues with a child or lover may have to be resolved again. It's a great time to communicate and resolve personal issues. You may also hear news of a child on the way.

A great time to give selflessly to others will come on May 7, 15, 17, 18 and 19th. Be careful as you may spend lavishly on May 18th and 19th. You may also indulge on foods and sweets on May 17th and May 19th.

The new moon on May 14th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring a time to make new friends or even spend time with old friends. You may attend a special event or party with friends. A great time to socialize and just have fun. Uranus and Jupiter will greatly support this new moon from your house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. You may travel to visit friends or friends may travel to come and see you. You may spend time on the internet connecting and communicating with friends especially on facebook and myspace. A great time to just connect with people you love. Saturn will connect well with this new moon from your your house of communication. It's going to be a great time to connect with everyone including relatives, friends and even your neighbors. I feel this new moon will open the door for you to reach out to people whom you lost contact with from the past. If you have lost touch with the family then reach out to them and let them know how much you still need them. You may promote or market a product via the internet, radio and television. Get out there and expand yourself.

Cancer Weekly horoscope

Venus will enter your own sign on May 20th bringing you 4 weeks to receive plenty of attention. You will be the center of attention. You may change your hairstyle, wardrobe or even lose weight. People will be surprise at the new you. You deserve a change so why not try to change different for one day and see how it feels. The sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on May 21st. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to catch up on sleep, rest and relax. A great time to seek a vacation or just travel to a place that brings peace and tranquility. You are so home-bodied that every so often it's great to get out of your comfort zone.

The greatest news for this month has to do with Uranus entering your house of career and promotions. Uranus in your career can really help you or may bring some disappointments. On the positive it can make you leave a job that you have spent so many years for something new. It could be a job that will surround you with electronics. You may start a business venture. You may go back to college or focus on your college career. It will be a very active time for you to begin to focus on what you want for your future career choice. On the negative you may lose a job, get terminated or fired from your job. I have seen several times where people quit their jobs because they are tired of the same routine or schedule from their jobs. They leave hoping to find another job that will give them greater freedom in their jobs and schedule. Many times they leave their jobs just to discover there is no job that will give them the schedule they seek. Before you make any critical career decisions make sure you have thought of every choice and option before making a major career change.

The full moon on May 27th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to exercise, lose weight and eat healthy. Your work projects will increase and you will finally complete work projects. You may start a new work project or job in another place of company. It will be a wonderful time for you to focus on where you would like to be in your life. You may make some critical changes for your health and body. Uranus will support this full moon from your house of travel and foreigners. You may travel to a place where you can retreat. A spa sounds wonderful right now. it could bring a time to promote and market a project. A great time to learn new ways to take care of yourself. You may venture out into new career territories to discover something about yourself. It could bring a time for you to plan your career and financial future.

Your goal is to plan and organize for what you want for your career, finances and home. You will also focus on travel, communication and connecting with friends. You want to socialize and this month will be the right time to do so. You will get out and enjoy yourself and have some fun.

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