Thursday, January 1, 2009


Twelfth Station Jesus Dies On The Cross

This Coming New Year 2009 my mission is to lifting your life from where you may find yourself to all you can be. You are not here to live a life of lack. No!
You are here to live your life of plenty. Plenty of love and plenty of everything else that you can conceive.
The place you find yourself today is only temporary for there is a way to move beyond where you are. Out of your greatest despair can come your greatest gifts and miracles.

Many live their lives in quiet desperations, waiting and hoping something will come about to bring a change within our circumstances. What many don't know, is that there is a recipe for living our lives in magnificent ways.

You can have the love of your life. You too can have the money. You can have all your dreams fulfilled. Yes, you can live a rich rewarding life without the struggles, shame and pain.

Questions relating to God that are also most frequently asked: How to walk a fulfilling path? How to begin to having and feeling a direct connection with God? What action must I take to experience my Oneness with Him?

Believe me, when I tell you this that the time to know Him -- is now. Don't wait a moment longer to embrace your life to the fullest! Don't wait a moment longer to understand the core truth to your life! It begins with having that direction connection with God. I know, you may well be asking yourselves at this very moment, "How...?" "How can I have direct connection with Him?"

God is saying to us, "Get close to Me! Get close to Me! Do whatever you can. Do what you have to. Do what it takes.

"I AM."

I Am the wind which rustles your hair. I Am the sun which warms your body. I Am the rain which dances on your face. I Am the smell of flowers in the air, and I Am the flowers which send their fragrance upward. I Am the air which carries the fragrance.

I Am the beginning of your first thought. I Am the end of your last. I Am the idea which sparkled your most brilliant moment. I Am the glory of its fulfillment. I Am feeling which fueled the most loving thing you ever did. I Am the part of you which yearns for that feeling again and again.

It should also be noted that Jesus can help us to redeem broken relationships, and to make the very best of bad situations. He can bring hope where we see only despair, and healing where we see only disease and un-health.

Is Jesus the Alpha and Omega in your life? Have you discovered your identity and your relationships in Him? To Him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom of serving his God and Father, to Him be glory, forever and ever. Amen

HOPE.....LOVE.....FAITH , are the 3 Important Virtues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was inspirational…. I really enjoyed reading that and will pass it along..
