Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today, at exactly the time I post this, I will turn 40 years YOUNG.
I look better than I ever have. I look younger than my age; I am in great shape,
I ooze sexuality and sensuality
I am in excellent health
I have wonderful children and family who surround me
I have friends I'd go to the wall for and whom I adore!

Now before you think I've fallen into a vat of Tequila ( preferable my fave PATRON! ) and forgot to come up for air, follow my train of thought.....
Today, as I do everyday, I celebrate LIFE!
Look at what I've done and learned over the past 40 years:
I am the apple of my Dad's eye (He taught me to be humble, work hard, and be honest)

I grew up in a loving family and lived to tell about it!!! (that taught me to be patient)

Fell in love a couple of times and had my heart broken just as many (I learned that it's OK to give your heart away and risk it being broken and when it was, to learn to trust ...and love again)

I Gave Birth to 5 Beautiful children (now if anything in this World is THE's becoming a parent and knowing you have a legacy...that's unconditional love!!!)

Got married........and divorced - twice! (whoooaaaaaaaa!!!)

Had my material possessions taken from me (I learned that "things" don't make me what I am...I make me what I am)

I've lived from paycheck to paycheck (I learned to appreciate what I have)

Moved away from my family and started my life over...............from miles away
Bought some houses ....... and sold it to buy another one

I moved and lived in many places .... Philippines, Japan, Okinawa and USA (California, Las Vegas and TX)

I have traveled and able to see different countries like Thailand, China, Hongkong, Guam, Hawaii, Malaysia, Korea, United Arab Emirates, Alaska, Bahrain, Canada, Washington,Oregon,New Mexico, Louisiana, Tia Juana and Arizona,

I live by the 2 mottos:

"Life is not a spectator sport..if you sit on the sidelines, you'll miss out on some really GREAT adventures!
Opportunity knocks but once, you can't waste life on woulda, shoulda, coulda!"


"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right . Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

Everyday is a chance to start all over again and do it right!
and of course, the Golden Rule
I pray to God each day for Patience, Strength, Guidance and His Everlasting Love.

Today I count the many blessings and miracles....some of them are even disguised as hard times...times I never thought I could get through...times I couldn't see the Light at the end of the tunnel. For those times have brought me to today, knowing I am a loved & supported child of God and the Universe.
I belong right where I am, doing just what I am doing.
Today....turning 40 feelings and thoughts can be summed up into one word....GRACE :-)

Overall, I've done quite well.......I've had one helluva FANTASTIC learning experience......I wonder what the next 40 years will bring??????......
Wanna join me in the journey?????
Let's Roll!!!!


ME and The J Boys ,James ,Justin and Joseph

ME and Angeliviv

( My Li'l girl wasn't able to celebrate my bday with Us..)

ME and Aisha Keona Marie

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