Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Young couple embracing on bow of yacht, side view photo

So often we get caught up in the mechanics of routine-day-to-day living that we forget to take time for ourselves. It's easy to do. So often life leaves us little time to devote to things that matter to us the most. We lose our focus, and suddenly, as a consequence lose the joy we once had. Time can be a cruel thief and life is a hard teacher. The demands of a professional career, juggling family and friends, and just the demands of daily living can create a sense of loss and hopelessness in which we lose our focus. Make no mistake, God loves you and he wants what is best for us! The hardest thing in this world can be living in it. Still there are ways that you can create a positive change that can help you effect your current situations.

First understand, you are in control. God gave you the gift of free will. All choices have consequences, so choose wisely. I know, this is often easier said than done, but we must look closely and pay attention. Remember that you, and only you, are responsible for your own actions. It is the hardest thing sometimes to keep a positive attitude. As I have stated previously, life can be an unfair teacher, but each thing you undergo in this world you learn from. Whether it is good or bad, you are constantly learning. Therefore, since you are constantly learning, you are given the gifts that come along with learning. The gift of wisdom. We all live and learn, and sometimes we act on impulse. If we make a mistake, we must learn from it, or we are doomed to repeat them.

People aren't always fair. They can be calculated, cold, cruel, and insensitive individuals, but this doesn't mean that you have to be. Again, this is a conscious choice we make. Don't let the negativity of others influence the person you are. Finally, you have the divine right to be happy. You have the right to pursue happiness as long as it isn't at the cost or expense of another person. You are in charge of your happiness! Finally, we must accept that each of us is different! It doesn't mean that any one person is a secular demonstration of superiority, it simply means that we must develop a pinnacle of tolerance. Just because someone doesn't share the same view as you, doesn't mean their wrong. Open your mind and lead with your heart. You may be surprised where that road will lead you. My Best to each of you-

God Bless you and the Angels will comfort you under their wings...

Peace to You All,


Cup of cappuccino photo

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