Tuesday, August 18, 2009


beach couple having fun over a heart shape photo

This is a very personal blog for me to write. I am going to share some of me here to those who may relate. I have had a disappointment happen to me that I did not see coming. I thought that everything was okay...not grandioso but- working through and making progress each day learning and growing. When someone in your life decides to make a choice that leaves you completely and utterly speechless, you tend to go through so many emotions. First, anger and than pain, than confusion, than back to anger and than again to pain. What a ride you go on, and when their are others involved they tend to ride this ride as well. A friend of mine wrote me she said..." Ann the kids are very tired... Every mood swings and emotional wave you are riding with these men, the kids are riding too. " That was the painful fact.

Yes, things in life can seem unfair, and you may feel as if you had not a choice, all the choices were made for you. I have a lot happened in my life as a mother. I have been treated poorly. I have been betrayed, beaten, and cursed. What one person was thinking, feeling, and holding on to you were clueless about, that they would take it that far. We never feel that the ones we love so very much will ever go against the grain. When you walk a path together especially when you are both very open and aware of the bigger picture you do not think that the other person will "change up position" you have faith that they will be able to see clearly the truth, and find ways to continue to grow with you or beside you.No relationship, whether it be a love interest or friendship is always going to be 100% okay at all times, that is how we learn from eachother. I guess the best advice that I can give to anyone is always be your own person, no matter how much you love someone.

Do not give up yourself and allow anyone to swallow you whole. People do not do it intentionally all the time they just meld with you and you become one, instead of being who you really are. That can be very unhealthy and very co-dependent. We do not always see that while we are in the middle. What I can say is if someone disappoints you or does not seem to continue to walk the path with you in the same way, just allow them what they need. That is a Gift to them. Even if it hurts for awhile. We stretch ourselves and become more of a person with an open heart when we do.

Look at it like this, Everyone has to grow and the best ones that help us is the ones we love the most or the ones that get to us the most. Honor that and try very hard to accept what is being laid before you at this time.

Hugs and much Peace,

Flamingo Heart photo

1 comment:

Serenity1769 said...

Hey Ann,

Everything will be fine, you're strong person that I have ever known. May God keep you in his care!!
