Sunday, September 20, 2009


baby angel photo

Eight month old child in a devil costume. photo

As we go through life we all have great days and not so great days. We all have highs, and lows. We all lose people that we're close to. We have all experienced tragedy and most of us have asked "Why"?

That's why I wanted to talk about Karma today because if you can grasp what Karma really is and how it works, your life can be happy.

First off Karma is neither 'good' nor is it 'bad'. Karma just is. It is the law of balance. We all know that we have free will and under the law of free will we are all held accountable for our own acts and decisions.

Karma is like a cosmic scale and it's constantly balancing. It's important to know that it's not neccesarily from just this lifetime. it can be from past lifetimes as well.

Which is why the sweetest little ole lady you know might have the absolute worst things happen to her. Or, why the meanest person you know has great things happen all the time. Karma is compensation. Karma is balance. Karma is fair. Life is fair.

I know because of things that I've experienced in this lifetime that I wasn't always a 'sweetie' in past lifes. But that's okay with me. I know that by understanding that I bring to myself experiences to help 'balance' my past behaviours, that I will just go with the flow.

Now please understand this. Going through something doesn't mean that you 'get' it. We are all in a constant state of learning, and sometimes we dont get it the first time and that's why we go through the same thing more than once!

Angel looks as devil eats ice-cream. A vector illustration. photo

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