Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Abandonment = SELFISH LOVE

In our life, there are people that we care and love, but they are there only with you and not for you. With you only when things are good but when circumstances arises they are not there for you.

Let them go and love them in a distance!
You can only give so much but sometimes those people are too blind enough not to see it or no matter what you do is never good enough for them.

We cannot let anyone keep coming in and out of ourlives and our children lives then when the going gets tough - they run like there's a tornado. No calls, No shows .. nothing!

It's very hurtful. It is very wrong and very selfish of that person.

We must let it go , it will hurt trememdously but we will be healed as long as we continue to realized that we love ourself and our children to just walk away and never again let someone who thinks they are entitled too to treat someone who is willing to give their life for them but they abandoned you whenever they feel like it. Once we healed there'll be someone who is waiting for us out there who can give exactly or even more what we can offer them, I can guarantee you!

I believed that people like that Don't even TRUST their ownself that is why they don't even know how to trust others so they run away.


Ohh well, I'm Hoping to start a job here soon , had some interviews today . I have one that i feel very very confident and the head hancho seems really really nice .. so let's wait and see. Soon I'll be able to mingle more with positive people.

Be Blessed, Be Beautiful and Be Smart.

Love and Light,

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