Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Ocean in Sunset Glow

Why do we close our eyes when we sleep? When we cry?
When we imagine? When we kiss? This is because
the most beautiful thing in the world is unseen.

We are a little weird and life's a little weird
and when we find someone whose weirdness is
compatible with ours, we join up with them and
fall into mutual weirdness and call it "LOVE"

There are things that we never want to let go of,
people we never want to leave behind, but keep in mind
that letting go isn't the end of the world,
its the beginning of a new life!

Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt,
those who have searched, and those who have tried.
For only they can appreciate the importance of
the people who have touched their lives.

A great love? Its when you shed tears and still
you care for her. Its when she begins to love another and
yet, you still smile and say "I'm happy for you."

If love fails, set yourself free, let your heart spread
it's wings, and fly again. Remember, you may find love
and lose it, but it's when love dies, you never
have to die with it.

The strongest people are not those who always win
but those who stand back up when they fall.
Somehow, along the course of life, you learn about
yourself and realize, there should never be regrets,
only a lifelong appreciation of the choices you made.

A true friend understands when you say "I forgot",
waits forever when you say "Just a minute!"
stays when you say "Leave me alone!"
opens the door even before you knock
and say "Can I come in."

Loving is not how you forget, but how you forgive,
not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not what you see, but how you feel, and
not how you let go, but how you hold on.

It is more dangerous to weep inwardly, rather than
outwardly. Outward tears can be wiped away,
while secret tears scar forever.

In love, very rarely do we win, but when love is true,
even if you lose, you still win just for having the
tingle of loving someone more than you love

There comes a time when we have to stop loving someone
not because that person has stopped loving us,
but because we have found out that they'd be happier
if we let go.

It's best to wait for the one you want,
than settle for one that's available.
Best to wait for the one you love,
than for one who's around.
Best to wait for the right one because
life's too short to waste on just someone.

Sometimes, the one you love turns out to be the one
who hurts you the most, and sometimes the friend
who takes you into her arms and cries when you cry
turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


McWay Falls
It seems as though everyone is going through "something", whether it’s the need for a job change, relationship disorders (not just romantic), residential moves or getting life lessons. All of this is leading to a major transformation for the better.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and everything has its divine time. To me, this means that we may not have entire control over our paths due to other people’s free will and God's Will . The God Will is like a gentile gust of wind that carries us to the Divine Events, which essentially helps us transform our lives for our good, whether we like it or not. Most of the time these events feel or look negative on the surface, but true victory and growth lies within.
When I take an honest look at the events in my personal life from Aug.2004 up until now, I’ve had so many opportunities for growth and I’ve taken them without hesitation. I’ve learned more in the last 2 years than I have in my entire life and that’s because I allowed things to just happen without trying to control the circumstances too much. All my lessons were painful, but interesting and they’ve made me stronger. The only thing I need to get under control is when I become stronger, I get "harder" and less trusting. I do give new people a fair shake at being my friend, but I have a tendency to put out this tyrant-like energy to shield myself from potential disaster connections. What constitutes a disaster connection for me are relationships with those who can’t handle my strong personality, those who will only suck the life out of me and people who don’t have my best interests at heart. This can be a good thing, but I’ve found myself using it as a crutch and that’s where I feel I need to adjust a bit.
With all of this said, FAITH is the essential ingredient to successfully move from point A to B and it will make your journey a hell of a lot easier from an emotional standpoint. We were all born with faith (it’s in our spiritual nature), but as we get older and are subjected to the trials of life itself, faith and positive thought processes can get shelved. It’s easy to live in fear when our world seems to be swiped from underneath us. It’s understandable if your security foundation (job, home, marriage etc...) collapses or is forcefully disrupted, to feel as though you do not have control and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m here to say that like you, I’ve been there and felt my various foundations breaking down, simultaneously too. When it rains, it pours right? Here’s the thing though. Without faith that it’s all happening for myself and that there will be a positive result, my life never would have changed at all. If you’re feeling lost without hope, the only way to get out of that mind set is to change your perspective. Lie to yourself if you have to. If you can believe the Ego when you’re afraid, which is the ultimate liar, you can take control of your mind and make yourself do the opposite, and so it will be.
Faith has to be created before tangible proof will become available. I’ve seen so many people (including myself in the past) wait for a specific event to occur before taking that leap. Waiting does nothing, but working will change everything. It’s perfectly normal to waiver from time to time and I’d be a liar if I said that I am always on point, so don’t beat yourself up because it’s easier said than done. Just ask yourself, "What’s the worst that can happen?" Once you’re consistent though, you won’t have a problem with faith any longer.So if you have seen the signs to take the leap of faith and have been scared to do so, just trust that God will help take care of you until things take off for you. You will not be left alone when you follow where GOD is needing you the most.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Carmel River Beach

So many people think that things have to be just right in their life in order to be happy. Actually, that is not true. Happiness is a choice of emotions followed by choice of actions. I have noticed that sometimes a person struggles with seeing the glass as half full. one thing is wrong in their life and all that a person can do is focus on the one thing that is wrong. Focusing on what is wrong in your life, only magnifies the problem because your focus made the negativity bring it closer to you. This is why you want to be grateful for what is right in your life.
Even if you do not have the " perfect " job, be grateful that you have a job. Even if your partner is still falling short on meeting your expectations for the relationship, make sure you show the gratitude for what your partner is doing correctly. If you do not, you can end up pushing your partner away.



1. forgive ....... hold grudges/accountability
2.optimistic ....... negative
3. mind their own business .... . worry about what "the jones" think
4. proud of their self ...... criticize their self a lot
5. doesn't nit pick ...... petty
6.take responsibility ...... blames others
7. understanding ...... takes things personally
8.love unconditionally ....... loves with conditions
9. is happy now/ has gratitude ...... says " i will be happy when........
10. does the best they can ...... nothing less than " perfect "

This is true about having a perfect life. It is a standard that is not realistic and hard to live up to. It leads to becoming very negative as time goes on due to not being able to meet expectations that the person has set for theirselves or others around them.
The lesson is to look at your life and know that it can be rewarding as it is. It is not when you have a relationship, lose weight, have a better job, or more money... IT IS TO BE HAPPY .


(MY SIMPLE PRAYER...GOD KNOWS US) There come times when I have nothing more to tell God At such times it is wonderful to say to God, 'May I be in Thy presence, Lord? I have nothing more to say to Thee, but I do love to be in Thy presence.' Amen.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Fourth Station  Jesus's Mother Mary
Have you ever felt that God doesn't answer your prayers? I firmly believe that ALL prayers are answered. Why? Because only God knows what is in our best interest,
and what will serve our purpose. Many of us were taught that God answers our prayers and sometimes the answer is "No." We have even observed that the answer "No" often protects us from error.The answer "Yes" can sometimes challenge us to wonder why we prayed for that gift, which served as a life lesson we needed to learn. One important thing that we need to keep in mind and that is that in order for our prayers to manifest, we need to have FAITH that what we pray for will come true.

Please recognize that there are no "unanswered prayers". If you're praying for a Mercedes Benz - and don't get one, there is a reason for it - but your prayer is answered. Perhaps not in the way that you would like it to be
But few of us were ever taught that God has many answers to many prayers and that there is another loving answer. "Wait."

Wait until you are ready. Wait until others are ready. Wait until you move closer to God. Wait until others are served. Wait until you can really understand . . .

They say that tears are liquid prayers. Some have cried a river that they hope leads to heaven. Tears cleanse the soul. Think of the rain. There is darkness for awhile but eventually the sun comes out and there are flowers and sunshine.

" Lord at times, The Only Prayer I can offer you are my Tears, and I know that you understand." Amen.
" A Humble and Repentant Heart ,O God you will not despise." (PS 51:17)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

" We All Make Mistakes"

Rocky Creek Point
"When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." -

Let's face it....there are times when we all don't make the best possible choices for ourselves and our lives.
Once the realization happens that you realized " hey this isn't what I thought it would be" or "I don't feel like I thought I would", what you do next is key.

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. " GHANDI

Since there really is no right or wrong, do not feel ashamed. You did the best you could where you were at there & then. You chose just what you should have. Everything happens for a reason, to bring us what we need to develop & grow into who we are on a soul level, to become our true self. Everything that happens offers us the chance to grow & learn, to become stronger & more authentic to ourself. Look upon things you call mistakes. Learn what you can and leave the rest behind. Perhaps you are to learn trust must be earned and not just given freely. Maybe you are learning to trust your own intuition more and the opinions of others less. Maybe you are learning to be who you are without the need for approval from others. There is always something we can find in every mistake that we can learn, and improve self with. Leaving the blame, shame and anger behind is essential. Remember, we do the best we can & yes, we all make mistakes. Choose to grow from your mistakes instead of feeling badly about making them.

My Friends and Families , We all make mistakes. The positive way of thinking is to learn from them . Don't beat ourselves up over and over about the mistake we made yesterday. Do what we can to repair it, take steps to not make the mistake again and start anew. Karma comes back at us only when we purposely continue to make the same mistakes over and over. Then it is not a mistake, It is intentional. If we are punished for every mistake we make, we'd all be living a pretty miserable life. Learn, live, and love and we will be doing okay.

May Our Good Lord Blesses You All and Always.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Pinagbuyatan Island, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
(Living with Narcissist- Anyone that doesn't know what this is… well, let me just say...it's not fun!)

The narcissist in my life would have me believe that I am Insane, that his behavior is "Justified". That I "should" want to be with him and put aside my "selfish wants and needs" to be with him. This includes anything and anyone outside of him. Before I proceed i want to share what's "Narcissist/ Narcissism really means. It is a psychological condition defined as a total obsession with self, to the exclusion of almost all other interaction with people. Narcissism is often characterized by a lack of empathy for others, an immature sense of humor, sadistic or destructive tendencies towards other people, and a compulsion to satisfy personal needs without regard for others. People suffering from narcissism can be extremely introverted in social situations, tending to avoid deep friendships or commitments to career or family. In short, It's an Adult acting like the 'terrible twos', a phenomenon in which toddlers become extremely self-centered and demanding, is actually part of the narcissism spectrum . "

Narcissism is truly a difficult thing to understand. There is NO CURE. People who have this don't look at themselves and think to improve themselves. They play roles... They have their supply and if they don't get their “fix” they are abusive or they just drop you. Unfortunately for me, mine didn't drop me... I had to drop him. I came to realized that no matter what I did or didn't do, this person would never be happy .As a recovering co-dependent, I am practicing putting my own needs and feelings ahead of anyone. What that means, is if it feels good, I'll go with it, if it doesn't I ask myself "what do I want?" (A novel concept!) What do I want? I was always concerned with what his reaction would be. So, I'd mold myself to what I thought would make him comfortable. That would mean, I wouldn't go to parties or out to lunch with friends, because my partner didn't want me to "meet anyone" and ultimately leave him. I began to see healthier relationships... (not "perfect" marriages) but healthier. Couples that actually enjoyed each other and were autonomous in their relationships.

After gathering all the Strenght and the Courage that I needed - I made the choice to leave. I couldn't take care of his feelings anymore. It was going to suck either way and I needed to get on with my life... I needed to be Happy-(being in a physical, mental and verbal abusived partner- run as fast as you can !). It was a hard choice due to some sensitive issues involved - Children of course . But I also knew I was not happy and it took a long time but i finally took the step. I felt good and still do about my decision. I saw that the life I was living was neither healthy nor happy. My partner being a narcissist will do anything to keep me in the bad marriage. " Staying is Insane...I am Sane...I am leaving this!" It has been an Emotional Roller Coaster don't know whether i was screaming for Fear or Excitement . Is it draining? Heck, Yeah ! ( It definitely sucked you dry!) Can I see light at the end of the tunnel? You bet, I will !
It's sad to be someone's drug. I look forward to being Someone's Love...the Real Kind...I look forward to a Healthy Reflection. I may have hit a wall today , but I also feel I may have broken through it as well .
( Probably some of you once have lived with someone with this kind of behavior or perhaps still living with one...If I can impart some wisdom through this, I will ).

Thanks for reading. May God Bless you All ...Have a Wonderful weekend!

(Although God hates divorce, He loves the divorcee and will help all who call upon Him. He wants to teach us how to love the way He loves. The definition of true love is "God is Love." )