Sunday, December 14, 2008


Fourth Station  Jesus's Mother Mary
Have you ever felt that God doesn't answer your prayers? I firmly believe that ALL prayers are answered. Why? Because only God knows what is in our best interest,
and what will serve our purpose. Many of us were taught that God answers our prayers and sometimes the answer is "No." We have even observed that the answer "No" often protects us from error.The answer "Yes" can sometimes challenge us to wonder why we prayed for that gift, which served as a life lesson we needed to learn. One important thing that we need to keep in mind and that is that in order for our prayers to manifest, we need to have FAITH that what we pray for will come true.

Please recognize that there are no "unanswered prayers". If you're praying for a Mercedes Benz - and don't get one, there is a reason for it - but your prayer is answered. Perhaps not in the way that you would like it to be
But few of us were ever taught that God has many answers to many prayers and that there is another loving answer. "Wait."

Wait until you are ready. Wait until others are ready. Wait until you move closer to God. Wait until others are served. Wait until you can really understand . . .

They say that tears are liquid prayers. Some have cried a river that they hope leads to heaven. Tears cleanse the soul. Think of the rain. There is darkness for awhile but eventually the sun comes out and there are flowers and sunshine.

" Lord at times, The Only Prayer I can offer you are my Tears, and I know that you understand." Amen.
" A Humble and Repentant Heart ,O God you will not despise." (PS 51:17)

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