Saturday, December 13, 2008

" We All Make Mistakes"

Rocky Creek Point
"When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power." -

Let's face it....there are times when we all don't make the best possible choices for ourselves and our lives.
Once the realization happens that you realized " hey this isn't what I thought it would be" or "I don't feel like I thought I would", what you do next is key.

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. " GHANDI

Since there really is no right or wrong, do not feel ashamed. You did the best you could where you were at there & then. You chose just what you should have. Everything happens for a reason, to bring us what we need to develop & grow into who we are on a soul level, to become our true self. Everything that happens offers us the chance to grow & learn, to become stronger & more authentic to ourself. Look upon things you call mistakes. Learn what you can and leave the rest behind. Perhaps you are to learn trust must be earned and not just given freely. Maybe you are learning to trust your own intuition more and the opinions of others less. Maybe you are learning to be who you are without the need for approval from others. There is always something we can find in every mistake that we can learn, and improve self with. Leaving the blame, shame and anger behind is essential. Remember, we do the best we can & yes, we all make mistakes. Choose to grow from your mistakes instead of feeling badly about making them.

My Friends and Families , We all make mistakes. The positive way of thinking is to learn from them . Don't beat ourselves up over and over about the mistake we made yesterday. Do what we can to repair it, take steps to not make the mistake again and start anew. Karma comes back at us only when we purposely continue to make the same mistakes over and over. Then it is not a mistake, It is intentional. If we are punished for every mistake we make, we'd all be living a pretty miserable life. Learn, live, and love and we will be doing okay.

May Our Good Lord Blesses You All and Always.

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