Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Awesome Advice from a Friend....

A different view on 'that person and I are meant to be together'.

Have you ever felt a certain person is your destiny? You are fated to be with him/her? If you are not with them, then you will miss out on that 'soul-mate' connection?

I would like to present a different view on this, especially in regards to this so-called 'soul-mate' connection. My definition of soul-mate is a person from our soul-group [those who have come to earth with us to share karmic experiences with]. The soul-mate is to present to us lessons that we are meant to face and grow through in healing a karmic lesson. The soul group is more interested in evolving our dharmic path, lessons of the soul-group collective spiritual progress, while soul-mate is individual spiritual karmic progress. We actually have many soul-mates to help us with these lessons, and have made agreements prior to rebirth with them. Not all soul-mate connections are on the romantic end, though a few are. Those that we feel a deep connection with and see as part of our destiny is what my blog is about today.

In a destine relationship, as humans we tend to want to attach emotional adjectives to them that will emphasize the 'only- one- for- us' syndrome. We swear that it must be this person for us to experience true love. Music has been selling this idea for eons and I am sure will continue. Yet, there is another side that is not discussed, and one I wish to address. So many times in counseling/reading for a person, I want to seed them with this concept, but as a rule, most will refuse to even hear it, so they seek another reader to feed their 'dream', sadly their dream is not interpret through their spirit. The human ego interacts with them and they must have that dream. Hence they try creating their own reality, with having this certain person as their main partner in life. The outcome is variable, they might down the road get this person in their life, but the ego destroys the spiritual lessons by expectations of how this 'true love' should be with them. Down the road the 'soul mate' is looked upon in disdain and the person is swearing that could not been their soul mate. Another scenario is the person will wait forever for this soul-mate to be in part of their life. They have given their power away to a dream and stuff this dream with psychic readings to support their version of the dream. In the mean time they have shown the Universal Consciousness that their ego is in charge of creating their reality, and they have blocked all doors to having happiness, since Mr. or Ms. Right is not involved. Both examples are based on the ego wants, and is fed through the shoulds and coulds of the ego mentality, and lessons are not being learned.

The other side of this scenario is the possibility that this person is to help you learn to walk away. Maybe in another lifetime, you conducted your life in a similar way and decided this lifetime you will not let your ego control you in avoiding living. Perhaps you were to release expectations of how someone needed to change just to make you happy. This person is most likely your destiny, and their soul purpose is to awaken your spirit to balance out karma from the past.

How do you know which is which in this? You can't because your human emotions are too involved in this. You can ask a psychic, but you can only accept what your emotions will support, verses what your spirit wants. There is away out of this though. Start to pray for that which you want with the elimination of a particular person. Pray to be willing to follow the path your spirit guides and angels lead you, instead of what you as ego insist on. Also know, your ego will play games with you for the sole purpose of keeping you off track. This can be seen in saying, oh I heard 'our' song out of the blue for instance. Hearing 'our song' is not always linked to needing to wait for that particular person. It can be a link to self-sabotage. Believe me this is going to be a major challenge for you, breaking out of the 'me-me' mold, so you can embrace the life path and spiritual path you chosen to experience in this life time. Can you break out of this? Yes, but it calls for putting the ego in its' place and learning to go within, to hear your own angels, spirit guides and higher self. It is not something that happens over night, but it does happen if you put the effort and discipline in it.

We always have choices in this life, and the biggest choice is who is co-creating your life with God? Your spirit or your ego. Majority of the time it is ego, because it soothes our need to feel like a victim, martyr, or any other descriptive word to take the power away from your own responsibility to your life as a spirit living in a human body.

Dr. D


Thank you for this. I am so glad to read what I have actually gone through and learned the lessons. When we let go of the energies that are not serving us,You know I've been devoting my time to my kids and being faithful to someone We know were soulmates but his EGO over powers him, I have to Protect myself and Wait what is God's Plans for me . Whatever it is, I know he will Bless me with the Right Person I deserve and also my kids. God Bless you ...A TOP NOTCH BLOG!!!


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