Monday, February 1, 2010

Finding Your Authentic Emotions By: Layne Schmidt Published: February 2010

There is remarkable power in positive thinking. And learning to reach for better feeling thoughts can absolutely change your life experience. But what if you’ve got a particular topic in your life, that no matter how hard you try to change the thought pattern you don’t see any significant changes in your experience? Chances are you’re caught in a subconscious thought-loop that is as old as you are and it might take a bit of exploration to get rid of it for good.

Let’s take the topic of money. It seems to be a topic that many people are focused on these days. I wonder how many of you have tried to change your financial situation using the concepts outlined in the positive thinking philosophy, only to find yourself in a similar situation over and over again? If that has been the case for you; you’re not alone. The solution may be found in getting to your authentic emotion(s) regarding the topic. Let me explain.

For the sake of argument let’s agree that you’ve already done some major work on turning your feelings around about money; you’ve got a positive outlook and you’re feeling hopeful and open to more abundance coming your way. But so far, you haven’t received the promotion, no one has shared a lucrative stock tip, you’re not in line for an inheritance and you still haven’t won the lotto. Financially everything is still pretty much the same. If changing your thoughts (and vibrations) around money really does work, then why aren’t you experiencing the shift?

The answer can be found in exploring the hidden beliefs we have around money. We adopt hidden beliefs early on in our life. We literally absorb them from our family, the media, church and school.

If you grew up in a home where money was scarce, or if being poor was attached in a positive way to spirituality, or if people with money were depicted in a negative light you are likely living out those beliefs on a subconscious level even though on the surface you would never agree with the statements.

The quest to find authentic emotions is about taking a candid look at all of the statements and attitudes you grew up with regarding money and people with money. Establishing your authentic emotion will help you get at the root of your vibration on any particular topic.

Here’s an example from my life. I grew up hearing three significant things about money:

1. God was keeping my Dad humble by not allowing him to succeed financially; oddly enough I actually heard that from my Dad.

2. There is a level of spirituality that poor people can connect to that the rich rarely can; that was courtesy of my church

3. If I didn’t have an education I could never get ahead financially; was reinforced by my teachers.

Intent on changing my future experience with money I took the time to explore these statements to see if any of them were lingering on a more subtle level. It didn’t take too long before I realized that the one about humility and success still had a little pull. Long story short; I had developed a subconscious belief that, as soon as I got ahead financially, “God” was poised to humble me. I had actually created an image in my mind of a big guy with a baseball bat aimed at my head ready to keep me from getting too proud.

On a subconscious level I did not want to experience the “humbling process” so I kept myself in check all on my own. The truth is there isn’t anything dictating financial abundance. But my subconscious believed there was. I was caught in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Do you think you may have any subconscious hidden beliefs playing in the background about Love, Health, Money or your own Worthiness? If you’re not experiencing what you want in your life – there’s a hidden belief in the way. It may take some time to discover the authentic emotion but the benefits will outweigh the effort almost immediately.

Layne Schmidt is the creator of a website for individuals like you who are interested in understanding what is getting in the way of experiencing what you want.

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