Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cosmic Weather Forecast -- February 20, 2010

On Saturday, we have a quincunx aspect between the Sun and Mars. These two planets are very compatible since Mars function is to go out and get the Sun what it wants. Further, Mars is in the sign of the Sun (Leo). Basically the quincunx dynamic clue for interpretation is going to come through the sign that the Sun is in which in this case is Pisces. Have you ever gone out and done something for someone? Something that they claimed they wanted so bad only to come back and find out the individual does not want it after all? That is the feeling of this aspect.

Mars is going out to find “individual” things for the Sun. The Sun wants to be “himself”, and whatever sign Mars is transiting through is going to reveal the particular tools that Mars is going to bring the Sun to be more individual. In this case Leo things! However, the Sun at this point is in a sign that is not really motivated towards the “self”, yet motivated on the bigger picture and the individual dissolution of differences in order to be part of the larger collective.

This is tricky, because we have to ask ourselves what is “disappointing” us in our lives. What tools is Mars bringing to us that we might not feel appreciative of and/or understand? This quincunx could bring forth resentment and frustration with others, however if we look towards realizing that Mars will be in Leo for some time, it will be able to appreciate giving those tools to the Sun in the future, but in the meantime we need to learn to manage our current frustrations.

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