Friday, February 5, 2010

Life Lessons

woman wearing a dress sitting on a hammock at a tropical beach photo

The life lessons that you face are ones which you helped to plan when you created your life chart before you came to Earth. The way you handle each situation helps determine your advancement. You can always learn

I am not afraid, burdened or sad about the past. I will create joyful memories today and fill my spirit with happiness. My aura will reflect positive energy for all to see.

A challenge is an opportunity to grow spiritually. It will strengthen your soul and make you a better human being. Welcome this experience to let your spirit grow.

I do not desire anything because I am perfect as I am now. I am the perfect manifestation of God’s divine plan for my life. I forgive all those who criticize me and praise them in return.

I do not define myself through what others think of me. I only define myself through my right actions. Shame and blame are an irrelevant game.

"My family, friends and pets mean everything to me. Dear Lord, I ask that you surround my loved ones in the white light of Your Holy Spirit. I ask protection for everyone I love.

Brightest of Blessings

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