"When i was a little girl,I asked my mother what will I be?Will I be Pretty?Will I Rich?& here's what she said to me.Que sera,sera Whatever will be,will be.The future's not ours to see...".
Fantastic song! Talking about LIVE LIFE NOW~Whatever Happens-Happens. Funny,the song never mentioned about "Being Happy",w/c actually after all we've been through that's all it matters NOW. Another Great Day to be Thankful,Reflect and To Change.
Blessings to All~ Ann
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Affirmation and I am Very Thankful...
"Today I choose to see my life for the wonderful gift that it is. I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I make choices that are right for me and healthy for my body. I forgive everyone, including myself, I easily release the past and I am free"
When you work twice as hard for something, you are twice stronger for it.
It doesn't mean you sit there and wait.
The first step in knowing is accurate awareness in understanding the Word Love and what IT implies.
Words are only words... Action is Everything...
Love and Peace,
The Complete Serenity Prayer! (original)
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,(the past)
the Courage to change the things I can (the present and future)
and the Wisdom to know the difference.(already given)Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Another My Own Quote of the Day
" It's Better to have LOVED and LOST .....
Than, to Stay with an IDIOT!!!"

I hope to make some people Laugh especially the one who is going through break ups. Or Went through same BS i did.
Sometimes, you can only try and give so much but if you find yourself - that you are the only one keep on giving and the other is just waiting and wanting you to do all the work and even worsts trying to push you away (maybe if they don't mean it or just want to get your reaction/attention to pity them) Well, it gets to the point that you get soooo Exhausted and Can't give more anymore. Don't worry it's not you - You haven't done nothing wrong except being TRUE to yourself and to that person. Just like me, I get so Turned off with the same BS and Drama already. Don't get sucked in to their Negative Energy - You know what you want and ready for it. It's time for a Change!!! BE HAPPY!!!
I am Beautiful at my Age and Feelin' really Good. Think Positive and things you want will come to you in no time....Trust me!
Another Lovely day and I am Lovin' it!!!
Enjoy Life and Joy - Life is too short being miserable, it's a waste of time.
Love and Light ,
Antonette On this day 4/25 , God wants you to know...
... that to love is to be vulnerable. Love is the opening of the heart, the welcoming of your beloved. Loving is not secure, authentic loving is risky. Security lies behind the walls of a closed heart. You either invite the union by opening in love, or you secure the isolation by closing down.That you cannot free yourself from a problem by shutting your eyes to it. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open.
(WOW! This is sooo TRUE and Just Perfect!!! Thank you Lord!)
Than, to Stay with an IDIOT!!!"

I hope to make some people Laugh especially the one who is going through break ups. Or Went through same BS i did.
Sometimes, you can only try and give so much but if you find yourself - that you are the only one keep on giving and the other is just waiting and wanting you to do all the work and even worsts trying to push you away (maybe if they don't mean it or just want to get your reaction/attention to pity them) Well, it gets to the point that you get soooo Exhausted and Can't give more anymore. Don't worry it's not you - You haven't done nothing wrong except being TRUE to yourself and to that person. Just like me, I get so Turned off with the same BS and Drama already. Don't get sucked in to their Negative Energy - You know what you want and ready for it. It's time for a Change!!! BE HAPPY!!!
I am Beautiful at my Age and Feelin' really Good. Think Positive and things you want will come to you in no time....Trust me!
Another Lovely day and I am Lovin' it!!!
Enjoy Life and Joy - Life is too short being miserable, it's a waste of time.
Love and Light ,
Antonette On this day 4/25 , God wants you to know...
... that to love is to be vulnerable. Love is the opening of the heart, the welcoming of your beloved. Loving is not secure, authentic loving is risky. Security lies behind the walls of a closed heart. You either invite the union by opening in love, or you secure the isolation by closing down.That you cannot free yourself from a problem by shutting your eyes to it. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open.
(WOW! This is sooo TRUE and Just Perfect!!! Thank you Lord!)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My Own Quote of the Day
Make this weekend about Joy!!
" Pain inevitable at times, but suffering is optional.
We don't have to go to every argument we are invited to."
So this weekend choose Joy!!
What a Beautiful Saturday - Just Puuuurrrfect!!!!
Sipping some German white wine enjoying the day ....I'M VERY HAPPY!!!!
It's a Beach Weather , Baby!!!!
Often we sit in worry or stress and we forget to just lighten up a bit and smile. Every day is what we make it to be. It's a matter of knowing you WILL get through the tougher days and being persistent that you will succeed at being the best you can be. Perhaps we need to run from room to room in our minds and just laugh at ourselves once in awhile. Close the door on fears and worry and giggle because you can count your blessings instead of your fears. It's all about the choices we make.
Today I wish you giggles, smiles, rainbows, and laughters!
Blessings to all ~
On this day 4/24 , God wants you to know...
... that as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held. All is well, all is well, all is well.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Quote of the Day
" Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it-the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit
softly on your shoulder."
BUTTERFLIES Such lovely creatures that went through so 'much' to shed their way to beauty!
I want to you share with you a song me and my 2 angels loves....
Love and Peace,
Ann , Angeliviv and Aisha
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Weekly Horoscopes for April 21st - April 27th
It's quiet time for you. You may be feeling tired and just need a good vacation this week. A nice trips or vacation can easily come to you on April 23rd. You may decide to visit a place near water or end up staying at a place near water. Finances may create a problem especially in relation to credit, taxes or loans. A great time to budget and save financially will come around April 24th. You may be saving for a home or vehicle. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on April 25th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to keep feelings to yourself. You may also seek a secret love affair but be careful as it may backfire on you. Secrets can easily get revealed with Mercury retrograding right now. A great time to connect or communicate with a partner including business partner, lovers, friend or spouse. On April 26th Saturn and Uranus will oppose one another. Saturn tends to bring structure and discipline so this is a time to focus on what you want your future to look like for yourself. You may need to make some major changes in your life including not spending so much in order to get ahead financially. Good luck.
It's quiet time for you. You may be feeling tired and just need a good vacation this week. A nice trips or vacation can easily come to you on April 23rd. You may decide to visit a place near water or end up staying at a place near water. Finances may create a problem especially in relation to credit, taxes or loans. A great time to budget and save financially will come around April 24th. You may be saving for a home or vehicle. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on April 25th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to keep feelings to yourself. You may also seek a secret love affair but be careful as it may backfire on you. Secrets can easily get revealed with Mercury retrograding right now. A great time to connect or communicate with a partner including business partner, lovers, friend or spouse. On April 26th Saturn and Uranus will oppose one another. Saturn tends to bring structure and discipline so this is a time to focus on what you want your future to look like for yourself. You may need to make some major changes in your life including not spending so much in order to get ahead financially. Good luck.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
WOW! Just what i needed today!
LIFE is all about risks. the risk takers are the happy and successful ones. stepping out on a limb is the only way to learn the truth of what we are made of. we are unhappy until we decide to do it differently. we control when we become happy and receive what we want. it is only through speaking up and taking a risks that that can happen.
I know that I do take risks. And I know that I can probably take more risks, too! But I do feel it needs to be said that, sometimes, the other person isn't ready to be as open as you're willing to be and nothing you do will move them at a faster pace than they are ready for. Soooooo... having said that, I agree that in order to gain trust, you must be open and trusting yourself, but some people just aren't there yet and thus can't give it in return... at least not until they are truly ready.
You Have to Trust And Open Up If you Expect To Receive It In Return
( Awesome Blog !)
I am realizing more and more how many people are not effective communicators. I use to laugh at practicing communication skills in school. I thought to myself really people are not clear and effective communicators. I grew up in a household were we said what we wanted and yes we got corrected but never censored. Living in poor neighborhoods, I got a lot of raw honesty.
I am finding that people call me wanting to know when the other party will open up but they have never opened up. Everyone wants everyone else to go first and that keeps the universe at a stop sign. if you are not talking and expressing, than do not expect people in your life to be open because like attracts like. What you say is lacking in the other person is lacking in you also.
The fear of rejection means that you are not ready so why should the other person be ready. The fear of asking for what you want will stop you from receiving anything. Heal the original fear and move forward. Otherwise your whole life is based on that original fear and you will keep attracting that fear until you learn the lesson and heal it.
Love and Light ,
Dr. D
Ann 4/20/2010- On this day, God wants you to know...
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are. If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfy...ing lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I absolutely love this song...I remembered the first time i heard this was when we were driving back to Vegas after dropping off my kids in CA. I was asking my hubby then the title of this song...My thoughts about this song is.. We spend most of our lives working...and the rest searching...searching for someone to share with. Many times things dont go right, and most of the time they go completely wrong. The person who wrote this song was hurt, terribly hurt, and not just once. Over and over , until they felt as if true love was simply a fantasy. And when they had finally gave up....the dream was over, no knight in shinning armor. For so many years they thought they would never find that ONE person to make them whole. And then....without warning....the flood crashes down upon them breaking apart the dam they had spent so long building. Every kiss is like the first, with butterflies and that fresh newness of it all. Your knees go weak, and your hearts race, beating as one. Time stands still and everything else around you fades away but his eyes....you cant place your finger on it....but its somewhere in those eyes...deep inside those AMAZING eyes. Real, everlasting, True.....love. Simply amazing isnt it?
Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you.
Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you.
My Friend's Blog about ME ..... Ohh My!!

For those of you who think that divorce is so bad
I was talking to an awesome caller of mine. She said to me the other day that she knows that her marriage is either going to get better or she is free of the problems. I told her that she is free. She knows that she is a strong individual and that her marriage taught her but it did not define her. I know that many women are sad over a divorce because they are afraid to stand on their own two feet. They were believing that they needed a spouse to validate them.
It can become a time to find out who you are. You can live as an individual and make a new identity and life for yourself. You can forgive and be free to open up your heart to someone who wants to be with you instead of forcing someone to stay if they choose to leave. You can do it alone. Staying in a marriage that is not working does not serve anyone and it keeps the fear alive. Change can become exhilarating! It can become a time to find out who you are and what you are made of. You will be free of outsourcing for validation from someone who wants to move on.
Relationships exists to teach us and to heal us. They are not to keep us in fear or stop us from being whole.
Love and Light,
Dr. D
Thank you so Much Dr D - Amen no drama! Sometimes marriage is rough and it can be worked out but if it is past that point, let it go. Surrender to being divorced and give yourself a chance to live. I AM FINALLY LIVING. No more waiting for someone that gives me and my family alot of False Hopes and Broken Promises.
Thank you Lord for keeping me stronger each day for my Kids and for myself. ~ Ann
Sunday, April 11, 2010
This is a wonderful statement / sentiment, as it's a reminder to not allow one's difficulties to build up too terribly much, cause undue negative energy or depression.
"Please remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen you ability to overcome."
So true. we have a choice in how we respond in hard times.
Yes, that's right, it is a choice.
A lot of times, not always of course, the human emotional reaction is far worse, and complicates the perceived problem more than the actual event or circumstance.
Today its a Beautiful Sunday Morning , Another day to be Thankful for everything that God has Blessed me all through the years. Wow! I slept like a baby last night -feeling so Great this morning. Spring Clean up today , Spend some time outdoors with my kids and Of course, Going to Church.
Wishing you guys a Blessed day with your family.
Peace to All,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Garage Sale Syndrome
You're an ex for a reason. You started to find fault with everything that your partner was doing from slurping his soup down to wearing loafers from Wal-Mart. All of the tingles left the minute that you realized Mr. Wonderful turned into Mr. Wonder What I Saw in him. Stay the EX. Don't get a case of Garage Sale Syndrome.
Allow me to explain Garage Sale Syndrome. It is when you are finally cleaning out closets, and tossing things in a pile that you really don't need, but are of some value. After assembling all of your goodies together, you put reasonable price tags on them, and set them out in the garage (or yard) and invite the general population to pick through your once-treasured belongings. Suddenly, when someone decides that the red and yellow abstract painting is exactly what they are looking for, and gushes over how fabulous it is, you may have second thoughts. Perhaps it wasn't so horrendous after all? Maybe you are getting rid of it without really giving it a chance to fit into your decor? You reluctantly sell it, but continually have regrets over it, maybe even some guilt. (Would my Aunt Jenny come back and haunt me for selling this piece of art?) You may even want to track down the person that bought it and ask for it back, but the person says "No, it is perfect for me".
Avoid the Garage Sale Syndrome. You have to remember: It was in that pile of rejects that no longer served you for a reason.
Peace to All,
Allow me to explain Garage Sale Syndrome. It is when you are finally cleaning out closets, and tossing things in a pile that you really don't need, but are of some value. After assembling all of your goodies together, you put reasonable price tags on them, and set them out in the garage (or yard) and invite the general population to pick through your once-treasured belongings. Suddenly, when someone decides that the red and yellow abstract painting is exactly what they are looking for, and gushes over how fabulous it is, you may have second thoughts. Perhaps it wasn't so horrendous after all? Maybe you are getting rid of it without really giving it a chance to fit into your decor? You reluctantly sell it, but continually have regrets over it, maybe even some guilt. (Would my Aunt Jenny come back and haunt me for selling this piece of art?) You may even want to track down the person that bought it and ask for it back, but the person says "No, it is perfect for me".
Avoid the Garage Sale Syndrome. You have to remember: It was in that pile of rejects that no longer served you for a reason.
Peace to All,
Friday, April 9, 2010
A marriage is like a long trip in a tiny rowboat; if one passenger starts to rock the boat, the other has to steady it; otherwise, they will go to the bottom together.
Sticks and stones are hard on bones, Aimed with angry art, Words can sting like anything, But silence breaks the heart.
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
Trouble is part of your life, and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough.
Like any other living, growing thing, love requires effort to keep it healthy.”
The other day I listened to someone say that they fell out of love with their spouse. Often when things get comfortable we can take each other for granted. We stop putting in the effort to make the relationship better, and we may even feel a loss of connection for our spouse. A commitment isn't about finding the faults in another, it's about working hard to be the best you can be together whether you feel like it or not. So many families are tossed to the wind just because marriages aren't like soap operas. I find this to be a great travesty in our society today. We throw everything away as soon as there is trouble instead of trying to find a solution. Marriages are like gardens and it does take two complete and healthy individuals to make a healthy marriage. When a struggle occurs within the marriage, you can get past it IF you both make an effort to do so. Even if one person seeks counseling, it's better to do that than to leave a relationship just because you've fallen out of love. Love requires nurturing and care to keep the flame burning. That requires dedication and certainly a commitment. Anything is possible, but first you must BELIEVE and then work at it.
Wishing you the very best for an awesome weekend!
Love and Peace,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Theres only one thing to do three words for you i love you
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.
If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8
Wishing you a day full of LOVE and LIGHT! Love yourself and do something nice for yourself this weekend! Whether you just take some me time and enjoy a little quiet moment, or you buy something nice for yourself. Love does begin with the love of self!
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.
If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8
Wishing you a day full of LOVE and LIGHT! Love yourself and do something nice for yourself this weekend! Whether you just take some me time and enjoy a little quiet moment, or you buy something nice for yourself. Love does begin with the love of self!
The Need For Someone To Give you Closure Can Be A Form Of Bondage
Oh to be human! We have all been there. Having a relationship end and wondering why it ended. It is even worse when the person just stops calling out of the blue without giving any signs that they lost interest in us. It can be emotionally damaging when a person just suddenly changes on us. The disappearing without a trace can cause a person to go on a head trip that can lead to sadness and even low self esteem. A person will spend eternity wondering why. It makes one second guess their reality when someone that they care about leaves the relationship.
The truth is that closure is really something that no one can ever give to you. Even if your ex told you why they are leaving the relationship, you will be left with many questions and still wanting a chance to fix the relationship. Closure is like false hope or a false reality. It can open up more doors than it will close.
1. Fear of commitment
2. Too much intimacy
3. Fear of not meeting their partners expectations
4. Abandonment issues which lead to sabotaging a working relationship because there is a fear of it ending so why not speed up the break up process.
5. Can't follow through on long term commitments
6. Lost interest
7. Lied a lot and not there is a fear of the truth surfacing
8. Did not want to tell you why they do not want to be with you
9. Communication issues. It is easier to just disappear than to explain why........
AIN'T it interesting how the reasons have very little to do with the person that was left. Usually, people who leave relationships have issues with themselves and just do not want to or can not explain why they wanted out.
Asking for closure can lead to the person lying to you and so guess what you are no better off emotionally. We hope that closure will create instant healing but it doesn't. Time and going through the pain is the only way to receive closure. People change and what they want out of life changes. No one can guarantee to stay in a relationship.
Love is always a gamble. You have to risk having your heart broken. It is proof that you have a heart.
Great Blog! Hmmm ...Thank you for helping me to understand that it isn't me .The best closure is to keep moving forward and living your OWN life and being a whole individual rather than half of one....and that old saying is so very true...if it is meant to be it will be...so keep on movin forward!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
When is Enough is Enough?
Have you been wondering if it's time to just pull back from your relationship woes? Have you been putting forth all the effort while your loved one is doing nothing at all? How do you know when enough is enough? Are you tired and feeling drained? When you feel like your relationship is sucking the joy and life out of you and you no longer recognize the person in the mirror, I would tell you to really ask yourself if enough is enough.
When someone isn't putting in their share into a relationship, that certainly says something for the person. IF someone isn't returning phone calls or just is unavailable, that is saying something as well. Sometimes we don't want to see it. Sometimes we make up all kinds of excuses as to why the person isn't responding or sharing in the relationship. It can become a non relationship when you are doing all the work and feeling all alone. I see this as a one way street. So what's in it for you? Why are you holding on? These are questions you need to ask yourself. Have you been an over achiever due to circumstances from your past?
Are you just afraid you won't find someone else? Or are you telling yourself that you love this person and you are the better person for having held on? Are you settling and thinking you just don't deserve any better in your life? I have actually talked to people who grew up being treated horribly and they have it engrained in their minds that they don't deserve any better. I'm here today to tell you that you deserve the BEST and nothing less.
Enough is enough when he or she has drained you and left you feeling tired. Someone who loves you will bring out your very best and lift your spirits when you are down and out. Someone who loves you will not suck the joy out of each day. If you find yourself feeling down and out for months on end, it's time to examine your priorities. Ask yourself where the love of self begins?
Healthy relationships should feel good, not draining. When he or she is avoiding answering questions, this is a red flag. If he or she isn't bringing out your very best, it's time you realize that you can be happy even if it means being alone for awhile. Set boundaries and do your best to maintain consistency. Remember it takes giving your permission to be a door mat. You have to lie down and give up. It's time to stand on your feet and be true to you and who you want to be.
You can have the relationship of your dreams, but first you must believe in you. We can change our path at any point in our lives. You can't change another person, but you can change YOU and your relationships just by getting honest. What were your hopes in the past? Are you headed the right direction or do you need to take a good and honest look at how you got where you are today? Have you been making excuses for the people in your life? It's time to hold yourself accountable for who you bring into your life and who you allow to stay there.
Often people fear change. Embrace the future and the hopes of what can come if you just decide today to change how you look at life. It's a beautiful journey, and when you are open and happy you can meet others who are open and happy too. All you have to do is embrace where you are at and realize that your happiness should be a priority in your life. We teach our children how to be great people through our examples. I know there are many people out there in the world who use their kids for an excuse as to why they stay. You may stay with an abusive partner for all the wrong reasons. Or you may stay with someone you are just use to even when there is nothing between you.
Change takes time. You can do anything you set your mind to, but it does take some planning in many instances. First thing you need to do is decide what kind of future you want and with what kind of people? Each person has their own unique situation but the key is you can live your dreams. You can have a wonderful life, and you may have to work hard to make it happen.
I Promised myself that Ressurection is a time of Transformation....With that being said, in my life, in my future love life. I am not just going to " settle " I will find the Person that aligns in things that I want in life. Someone we can understand and share alot of things together. No money can buy one's happiness... It's being happy about yourself and Happy with the one you are with !
Wishing You all lots of Love and Happiness,
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Cohesive Force ( an Astrologer's visions)
Easter Monday is always a tad bit overwhelming. We are in the midst of major weekend overload, clean up, & going back to work & school---just like other holidays, post holiday week begins in full swing, & we have to catch up.
Cosmically speaking, today is still, enabling us to deal with transitioning Saturn in the next two days & then Mercury on the 17th. It's an intriguing month ahead. One where we are sure to feel the favorable effects of last summer's unfinished business, (think back to August 25th to Sept 20th give or take a few days on either side of those dates) then watch your personal saga begin, unfold & conclude in the most delicious way. You'll see clues into your future by the events unfolding this week in areas of relationship, love, career & of course, finance. Everything that you thought was 'over' or ending, or possibly never going to occur----suddenly reappears as if by magic. I call this faith in what we truly desire in our lives---& of course, 'timing'. Not our time, but 'God's Time'... which is always perfect time.
Remember, we can use this powerful energy in positive ways. Use this time to do activities that start with "re": renew, repair, review, renegotiate, and research...
Cosmically speaking, today is still, enabling us to deal with transitioning Saturn in the next two days & then Mercury on the 17th. It's an intriguing month ahead. One where we are sure to feel the favorable effects of last summer's unfinished business, (think back to August 25th to Sept 20th give or take a few days on either side of those dates) then watch your personal saga begin, unfold & conclude in the most delicious way. You'll see clues into your future by the events unfolding this week in areas of relationship, love, career & of course, finance. Everything that you thought was 'over' or ending, or possibly never going to occur----suddenly reappears as if by magic. I call this faith in what we truly desire in our lives---& of course, 'timing'. Not our time, but 'God's Time'... which is always perfect time.
Remember, we can use this powerful energy in positive ways. Use this time to do activities that start with "re": renew, repair, review, renegotiate, and research...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
"Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness."
Thank you Lord My Saviour!
Love and Light,

Thank you Lord My Saviour!
Love and Light,

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Da Cool Girlz Day Out @ Fort Worth Childrens Museum
Bank of America Corporate's - " Museum on Us " Appreciation Day for Employees...THANK YOU SO MUCH! Me and the Girls had a BLASTS! So many things to do and to see- We walked around for 5 hours. It was a Perfect Day too!
I also wanna give a Shout-Out to my Boss Lenard for making it happen- Domo Arigato! Salamat Po! Muchos Gracias! Mahalo!!!
Another Great Mommy and Daughters Day!!
God Bless You All,
Ann , Angeliviv and Aisha Keona

I also wanna give a Shout-Out to my Boss Lenard for making it happen- Domo Arigato! Salamat Po! Muchos Gracias! Mahalo!!!
Another Great Mommy and Daughters Day!!
God Bless You All,
Ann , Angeliviv and Aisha Keona

Great Quote
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." -
Let go of needing life to be fair and the 'whys '. Bad things happen to everyone. Being nice will not always yield a good result and yes some mean people will succeed. Fairness is an illusion that leads to anger and resentment.
Let go of needing life to be fair and the 'whys '. Bad things happen to everyone. Being nice will not always yield a good result and yes some mean people will succeed. Fairness is an illusion that leads to anger and resentment.
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