Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When is Enough is Enough?

Young happy asian couple enjoying their time outdoors<br /> photo

Have you been wondering if it's time to just pull back from your relationship woes? Have you been putting forth all the effort while your loved one is doing nothing at all? How do you know when enough is enough? Are you tired and feeling drained? When you feel like your relationship is sucking the joy and life out of you and you no longer recognize the person in the mirror, I would tell you to really ask yourself if enough is enough.

When someone isn't putting in their share into a relationship, that certainly says something for the person. IF someone isn't returning phone calls or just is unavailable, that is saying something as well. Sometimes we don't want to see it. Sometimes we make up all kinds of excuses as to why the person isn't responding or sharing in the relationship. It can become a non relationship when you are doing all the work and feeling all alone. I see this as a one way street. So what's in it for you? Why are you holding on? These are questions you need to ask yourself. Have you been an over achiever due to circumstances from your past?

Are you just afraid you won't find someone else? Or are you telling yourself that you love this person and you are the better person for having held on? Are you settling and thinking you just don't deserve any better in your life? I have actually talked to people who grew up being treated horribly and they have it engrained in their minds that they don't deserve any better. I'm here today to tell you that you deserve the BEST and nothing less.

Enough is enough when he or she has drained you and left you feeling tired. Someone who loves you will bring out your very best and lift your spirits when you are down and out. Someone who loves you will not suck the joy out of each day. If you find yourself feeling down and out for months on end, it's time to examine your priorities. Ask yourself where the love of self begins?

Healthy relationships should feel good, not draining. When he or she is avoiding answering questions, this is a red flag. If he or she isn't bringing out your very best, it's time you realize that you can be happy even if it means being alone for awhile. Set boundaries and do your best to maintain consistency. Remember it takes giving your permission to be a door mat. You have to lie down and give up. It's time to stand on your feet and be true to you and who you want to be.

You can have the relationship of your dreams, but first you must believe in you. We can change our path at any point in our lives. You can't change another person, but you can change YOU and your relationships just by getting honest. What were your hopes in the past? Are you headed the right direction or do you need to take a good and honest look at how you got where you are today? Have you been making excuses for the people in your life? It's time to hold yourself accountable for who you bring into your life and who you allow to stay there.

Often people fear change. Embrace the future and the hopes of what can come if you just decide today to change how you look at life. It's a beautiful journey, and when you are open and happy you can meet others who are open and happy too. All you have to do is embrace where you are at and realize that your happiness should be a priority in your life. We teach our children how to be great people through our examples. I know there are many people out there in the world who use their kids for an excuse as to why they stay. You may stay with an abusive partner for all the wrong reasons. Or you may stay with someone you are just use to even when there is nothing between you.

Change takes time. You can do anything you set your mind to, but it does take some planning in many instances. First thing you need to do is decide what kind of future you want and with what kind of people? Each person has their own unique situation but the key is you can live your dreams. You can have a wonderful life, and you may have to work hard to make it happen.

I Promised myself that Ressurection is a time of Transformation....With that being said, in my life, in my future love life. I am not just going to " settle " I will find the Person that aligns in things that I want in life. Someone we can understand and share alot of things together. No money can buy one's happiness... It's being happy about yourself and Happy with the one you are with !

Wishing You all lots of Love and Happiness,

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