Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WOW! Just what i needed today!

The Colorful Ballons photo

LIFE is all about risks. the risk takers are the happy and successful ones. stepping out on a limb is the only way to learn the truth of what we are made of. we are unhappy until we decide to do it differently. we control when we become happy and receive what we want. it is only through speaking up and taking a risks that that can happen.

I know that I do take risks. And I know that I can probably take more risks, too! But I do feel it needs to be said that, sometimes, the other person isn't ready to be as open as you're willing to be and nothing you do will move them at a faster pace than they are ready for. Soooooo... having said that, I agree that in order to gain trust, you must be open and trusting yourself, but some people just aren't there yet and thus can't give it in return... at least not until they are truly ready.


You Have to Trust And Open Up If you Expect To Receive It In Return
( Awesome Blog !)
I am realizing more and more how many people are not effective communicators. I use to laugh at practicing communication skills in school. I thought to myself really people are not clear and effective communicators. I grew up in a household were we said what we wanted and yes we got corrected but never censored. Living in poor neighborhoods, I got a lot of raw honesty.

I am finding that people call me wanting to know when the other party will open up but they have never opened up. Everyone wants everyone else to go first and that keeps the universe at a stop sign. if you are not talking and expressing, than do not expect people in your life to be open because like attracts like. What you say is lacking in the other person is lacking in you also.

The fear of rejection means that you are not ready so why should the other person be ready. The fear of asking for what you want will stop you from receiving anything. Heal the original fear and move forward. Otherwise your whole life is based on that original fear and you will keep attracting that fear until you learn the lesson and heal it.

Love and Light ,
Dr. D

Ann 4/20/2010- On this day, God wants you to know...
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are. If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfy...ing lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.

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