Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Need For Someone To Give you Closure Can Be A Form Of Bondage

Victorious woman standing at New Zealand Lake, Queenstown photo

Oh to be human! We have all been there. Having a relationship end and wondering why it ended. It is even worse when the person just stops calling out of the blue without giving any signs that they lost interest in us. It can be emotionally damaging when a person just suddenly changes on us. The disappearing without a trace can cause a person to go on a head trip that can lead to sadness and even low self esteem. A person will spend eternity wondering why. It makes one second guess their reality when someone that they care about leaves the relationship.

The truth is that closure is really something that no one can ever give to you. Even if your ex told you why they are leaving the relationship, you will be left with many questions and still wanting a chance to fix the relationship. Closure is like false hope or a false reality. It can open up more doors than it will close.


1. Fear of commitment

2. Too much intimacy

3. Fear of not meeting their partners expectations

4. Abandonment issues which lead to sabotaging a working relationship because there is a fear of it ending so why not speed up the break up process.

5. Can't follow through on long term commitments

6. Lost interest

7. Lied a lot and not there is a fear of the truth surfacing

8. Did not want to tell you why they do not want to be with you

9. Communication issues. It is easier to just disappear than to explain why........

AIN'T it interesting how the reasons have very little to do with the person that was left. Usually, people who leave relationships have issues with themselves and just do not want to or can not explain why they wanted out.

Asking for closure can lead to the person lying to you and so guess what you are no better off emotionally. We hope that closure will create instant healing but it doesn't. Time and going through the pain is the only way to receive closure. People change and what they want out of life changes. No one can guarantee to stay in a relationship.

Love is always a gamble. You have to risk having your heart broken. It is proof that you have a heart.


Great Blog! Hmmm ...Thank you for helping me to understand that it isn't me .The best closure is to keep moving forward and living your OWN life and being a whole individual rather than half of one....and that old saying is so very true...if it is meant to be it will keep on movin forward!!


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