Monday, April 5, 2010

A Cohesive Force ( an Astrologer's visions)

Easter Monday is always a tad bit overwhelming. We are in the midst of major weekend overload, clean up, & going back to work & school---just like other holidays, post holiday week begins in full swing, & we have to catch up.

Cosmically speaking, today is still, enabling us to deal with transitioning Saturn in the next two days & then Mercury on the 17th. It's an intriguing month ahead. One where we are sure to feel the favorable effects of last summer's unfinished business, (think back to August 25th to Sept 20th give or take a few days on either side of those dates) then watch your personal saga begin, unfold & conclude in the most delicious way. You'll see clues into your future by the events unfolding this week in areas of relationship, love, career & of course, finance. Everything that you thought was 'over' or ending, or possibly never going to occur----suddenly reappears as if by magic. I call this faith in what we truly desire in our lives---& of course, 'timing'. Not our time, but 'God's Time'... which is always perfect time.

Remember, we can use this powerful energy in positive ways. Use this time to do activities that start with "re": renew, repair, review, renegotiate, and research...


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