Saturday, October 16, 2010


"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'WOW What a Ride!'"

Then we are overly cautious, fears can prevent us from experiencing life as we are meant to be. This anxieties can manifest and prevent us from meeting people, getting the right job or simply trying new things.

The best way to identify and to understand what they are is to ask questions. 'What am I afraid off? Why am I afraid off? And what can I do to change this" The first step in healing is no admit that there are issues that need to be dealt with. Be honest about it, the truth has a wonderful way of setting one's mind free.
I refuse to be a prisoner of my fears....

So, come on, what are you afraid off? Grab the life by the horns, and let's go for a ride...

Have a Wonderful weekend!!

Sending you all alot of Love and Light,

With Venus, the planet of love, officially went retrograde in the sign of her detriment. In other words, while Venus in Scorpio may relate to sex and intensity, the sign does not favor the planet that rules love. The planets are lining up to weed the negative relationships out of your life and enable you to make room for something more positive. Reality will be the key word, and it is not always what we want to see. The good relationships will become stronger during this period, and it is a time to work through issues and create more balance.

Karma and Fate in Relationships

In a general sense when Venus retrogrades love energy becomes more intense and the drama can begin. It is a period when seemingly fated events occur, sometimes appearing to be beyond the control of the parties involved. Relationships can slow down or end. Sometimes those from our past can reappear. It is a time of reviewing and re-accessing your love life. Changes occur, and people can switch their affections and partners. The karma (karma=the universal will, what will ultimately be) of the relationship will play out during this period. Unresolved issues come to the forefront to be resolved one way or another

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