Monday, October 4, 2010

My friend emailed me this about my New Beginnings in CA

Ann, LIfe will move us forward. Step by step. Piece by piece it unfolds.

One of the safest ways is to trust in our Heavenly Father, guiding us and leading us. That no matter what outer appearances may be to know that by diving into our hearts with genuine prayer our lives can be changed.

Allow harmony and peace to flow in your life and a mate of equal measure will be drawn to you.

No need to harbor vengence, or hatred, God has asked of us that he be the one to mete out such judgments.

He asked for us to find our peace, our joy, and to love all. Remain innocent like little children.

This is such an exciting time in your life. Expect good fruit to fall from the trees all around you.

Be cautious for the first 3 months. Allow your energy to settle in California first. Then your vibration will be in alignment with more attractive choices for long term happiness.

Leave the past in TX, and move foward into this exciting new chapter of your life.

Many blessings,
Cali Rose

Thank you so much!! Very Inspiring! You have always been there for me... I just remembered the other day reading my notes of what you told me from last summer when i was planning to move to CA that to be careful on things i write in my blog. Because someone will do their best effort to " ditch" me because someone will be very jealous and insecure. That person might not even help me move to CA... hahah!
I thought it was funny. So my friends since i have your emails on my lists - i will be putting my blog in private from now on - since i am planning to blog every single of the day in CA...with no restrictions!!!

Thank you my dear friends and new friends...I can't wait for the new chapter of my life. This will be a good one.

Sending you all alot of love and light,

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