Sunday, October 3, 2010

"You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving."

Granted, God created our brains, giving us the capacity to learn & to understand 'His nature' (the nature of God) by virtue of indulging in 'His Word' (the Bible). Thank God for this gift of understanding when we choose to 'seek Him'. God is Love, & so we tend to believe that if we can 'understand the nature of God' & accept His unconditional love, without thinking about it, then of course, we should also be able to 'logically' comprehend eros or romantic love by just accepting it & not thinking about it? Or applying logic... true? Of course that makes total sense? Again, "Logical, right"? If Only!

Sure, we can talk about it, think about it, rationalize it, justify it all INTELLECTUALLY, but all that intellectualizing, does not change our heart when we 'know in our heart' that we are sharing 'our heart' with someone. And that someone is 'The One'...the one whom we only wish we could detach the same time we fight with desiring to be attached to them so much that we are in sheer misery! We gave that special someone our heart & s/he has it, & there is nothing but 'time' & intellectual/physical detachment that will allow us to move on. We all know what physical detachment is, of course. 'Physical detachment means physical distance'---not seeing that person or interacting with that person at all. But what is intellectual detachment. Intellectual detachment is actually redirecting our focus, transferring these emotions & feelings onto something or someone else. We can talk about how to go about doing that, and it does take time, but both concepts must be employed in order to work effectively.

When our heart is attached to, or broken by someone whom we believe we have given 'it' to. . . that person figuratively has our heart in their hands. It is because we've given our heart to them with abandon, we have no control over it... thinking about it only makes the attachment grow, giving the holder power to control. Try telling that 'to your brain'. Ha! All the thinking about it 'won't change' it. It is what it is and when ya know, you know, 'right'? Think "Duality'... you gave your heart away to someone, purposely or not, it happened. Therefore, duality ---is also what will work in detaching it. By redirecting your thoughts to someone or something else will enable your heart to 'move from one to another' & is the process for detachment. But let's look at whom we are going to redirect our focus on. I don't suggest another person. Not at first. Although psychology will disagree with me on this (what is called: rebound relationships) because, again, psychology deals with the intellect. I am speaking something much stronger than mere intellect. Turn to & tune into your spiritual nature. Turn to 'GOD', prior to moving to another person. Let GOD be your intercessor. When you're suffering a broken heart.

We can ask ourselves 'why' we love whom we love, but there is no logical reason why or what for or when it all happened, it just did. God does have a plan in us giving our hearts to someone who inadvertently winds up breaking it in the process. This is where 'FAITH' must be applied. Love by 'FAITH', because there is no logic to love. If we could actually apply logic to love, then we could walk away easily from what 'we call is love' that has our heart in a strong hold that we just cannot intellectually understand. That is all part of God's plan, too...yes, I promise you. Put "GOD" first, then suddenly, you'll feel better & know you're going to survive this broken heart you're sporting. I'm here with you, I know what you're going through.
God + Time + Patience = Healing = Love.

What a Beautiful Sunday!!

Sending you Love and Light,

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