Friday, October 1, 2010

Un-Wavering Faith

What is un-wavering Faith? What does it have to do with having what I want, doing what I want to do, or achieving what I want to achieve? Well it has plenty!

Let me first tell you what unwavering faith isn't, so we can root out any misconceptions. It is not wishful thinking. It is not a false sence of what could be or imagination. It is not a day dreamer or a dreamer. It is not a pie in the sky mentality. These are all negitive society views we've place on people who speak of things that are currently non-exsistant because the viewer doesn't see any hint of it comming to pass.

I call unwavering faith DETERMINATION, PRESSING ON DISPITE OBSTACLES, STEAD FAST, believeing that (IT) will happen, take place, manifest, or show up. Staying stead fast to a belief, a want, a desire until it is achieved is key to getting your desires accomplished. Changing our approach to getting the ( IT ) accomplished is not the obstacle when achieving your desires. The obstacle is maintaining unwavering faith despite the obstacle(s). Unwavering faith is knowing that (IT) will manifest, or show up dispite any obstacles. Obstacles should only be viewed as a tool for growth so you can maintain the ( IT ).

Unwavering=Standing still

Faith=Believe in

IT=your desire

Standing still believe in your desires

To you as it came to me,
S sweet

Simplified, un-wavering faith is the unquestioned knowingness that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be. Trust and accept that you are where you are suppose to be.

Bravo!! - I love this blog! Yes, Just like ME .. . When it comes to my family , my children , I am always determined to do what is right and necessary at that moment. I have all the courage in me to believe that as long as i desire one thing and do it - it will eventually manifest itself.
I have a very strong will when it comes to my family. Sometimes, when i paused it will crossed my mind in the hell am i gonna do this? but yet, buy the time i realized that Im almost half way through it. No one can stop me or nothing can stop me when i am determined to do what is right for my family- it's like having the " wonder woman " strenght runs through my veins. After all I am the only strong foundation they have and keeping the family together.

Thank you , Kisha.


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