I always look at marriage like a garden.Some complain that roses have thorns—others rejoice that thorns have roses! Marriages are often like a rose garden which needs tending to. It will have it's thorns, and it's seasons of roses in full bloom. The key is that a marriage takes WORK. It's a commitment and many people can get comfortable and take each other for granted. However, the real question is where is your focus at?
You can focus on what your partner isn't doing or you can focus on the things they have done. Think about how you blossom in being the best you. Do you blossom under a nagging environment? Or do you blossom with compliments and loving words? Your partner needs the same things you do. Nagging and belittling your partner will kill a relationship. So treat your spouse as you would want to be treated and stop keeping score. It's not about one uping the other or who did the last nice thing. It's not about who makes the most money or is the most thoughtful one. A marriage is working on team effort of being the best you can be.
Plan for Romance. Make time to bring intimacy into your relationship. Intimacy comes in many forms from holding hands and cuddling to having a healthy sex life. If you plant love into your relationship, a healthy sex life can follow. It's not all about sex, but certainly keeping that loving bond between you is important. Try not to focus on what he or she isn't doing, and just do your part and be the spouse you want your spouse to be.
Communicate This is very Important and if i have to keep a score to this I could honeslty say ...I will flank! This is where I am guilty of and I must enforced this to myself everytime. But It's through open and honest communication that you can get the answers you are seeking. When you question what is being said, don't be afraid to say "Are you saying...". Don't jump to conclusions or think the worst. One person can say one thing but mean something entirely different. A man can tell a woman she is gaining weight and a woman will hear 'he doesn't love me". Often what we think we hear may not be what our spouse is meaning to say. Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt, and ask when you are not sure. Don't go to bed angry. Speak with love in your heart not from a point of fear. Otherwise you may end up saying something you don't mean.
Marriages go through spurts and seasons. Drop your expectations because you set your marriage up for failure by expecting your spouse to know all your needs and wants all the time. No one is perfect. No one can meet all of your hopes. Put love into the marriage through your own actions and words. Make your focus about you and what you can do to change the marriage when it feels like you are going through a hard season. Set some time aside to discuss issues but try not to discuss those issues when you are heated or having a bad day.
Don't suffocate each other ( another one of my failures). Marriages aren't meant to be cages where one can not pursue their interests. Now I'm not saying it's a great idea to be hanging out with a bunch of single friends and flirting at bars. Use common sense as to what activities can help you become a better person. I do believe as individuals you need to grow and be able to bring your best self into the marriage. However, you do respect each other and act the way you'd want your spouse to act. Don't do anything to threaten the marriage. Once you get married it's not about just you.
Take turns with the tv remote or doing things you may not want to do. Your idea of having a nice afternoon might be a shopping trip while you spouse would rather watch sports. Take time to do things you don't like to do together. I know my husband goes to my church every sunday Catholic eventhough that is not he practices but he believes how important it is to me that he doesn't second guessing himself for doing so. Remember 911 and remind yourself that it won't kill you to please your spouse for a day even if it's not your idea of a fun time doing what they like to do. Remember love isn't selfish.
A friend told me about this dvd "Laugh Your Way Into A Good Marriage". She said This is a fantastic dvd which basically addresses the differences between the sexes and how we can think differently. I found this to be a great reminder to learn to keep laughter in your marriage. Often we get so caught up in the day to day chore of living that we forget to take time to laugh and have some fun. Life can become routine if we let it. We need to take time to zap in some laughter and love and get away from all the worries and change our routine a bit. Remember if marriage is like a garden sometimes you have to rotate the crops and move things around a bit! Have fun and enjoy each other.
I can remember not having money to go to a restaurant because I had five children at home so the kids and I made menus and we set the table. I became really creative in adding that factor of romance in my marriage. You do not have to have tons of money to create a loving atmosphere. You can do a lot of things to show your spouse love. It's the little things we often forget about that can matter the most. Slipping I love you notes into the lunch or putting them around the house or perhaps even on the dash of the vehicle can show you care. Maybe throwing in a candy bar or something your spouse loves into their lunch. Or you could just make your spouse their favorite dinner. I used to bring my husband food to work sometimes when the kids are off from school we all go to my husbands work and bring his food and hang out with him til he is ready to go back to work , i know that is something we all enjoyed to do. You can set up a family night or date night to try to rekindle that fire. There are many ways you can show your spouse how much you love them. If you begin showing them, it may just open up a door for them to show you as well. Yet I would not encourage you try this with the hope or expectation that your spouse will do something for you. Do it because you love and because YOU made a commitment. Drop your expectations and make your marriage work by working from your end.
Remember that you can focus on the thorns or turn your focus the blossom. I certainly hope you find your marital garden full of love after you sow in your very best!
May God Bless You All....
A faded wedding photograph
You and me in our first dance
Our eyes are closed
We're lost in one sweet embrace
Since those days our world has changed
Our love remains the same
God knows we've had our share of saving grace
And I'm proud of all the blessings
You have given me
The mountains we have climbed to get this far
You learn to take the laughter with the tears
After all these years
You make it feel brand new
After the fires that we've walked through
Against the odds we never lost our faith
In our house we've made our home
Where our children all have grown
Precious moments time can not erase
Make a living up and down the gypsy highway
Seasons that we've had to share apart
Somehow in my heart I'll always keep you near
After all these years
After all these years
You stood by me
The days and nights that I was gone
After all these years
You sacrificed, believed in me
And you stood strong
Cause with our love there's nothing left to fear
After all these years
After all these years
You stood by me
The days and nights that I was gone
After all these years
You sacrificed, believed in me
And you stood strong
Cause with our love there's nothing left to fear
After all these years
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