Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another Great Blog from a Friend ....

We have become a ....
society whereby we no longer have to be responsible for ourselves or our behavior...
We can have one telephone company break up with the other one for us...
We can have one car insurance company break up with the other one so we do not have to do it.
We can sit at a bar all night, drive home drunk, kill someone else and blame the bartender.....
And we do not even have to look someone in the eye to end our relationship with them.
We can go on line and change our status on facebook or bebo.
We can text or email them.
We can HIRE someone else to break up with someone by text, and there are plenty of on line sites whereby you can get tips and or have someone else do it for you.
We can get an instant answer to a question on line with a reader available and then blame the reader IF the prediction does not occur or if we do not like what we hear. We sit back and blame others for all of our own problems and fail to take stock of how situations may have occurred in the first place....
We really need to get back to reality, back to taking responsibility for our choices, for our own behavior because if we do not, we are not learning the lessons we need to.

We need to be responsible for the choices we make for lovers and friends. It would be nice to think that we owe the person we have shared days, weeks, months or years with the decency of ending it in person rather than by passive aggressive means but many people are incapable of doing so and appear to drop off the face of the earth. If that is how you deal with it, we cannot judge but changing status on a social networking site is simply not a nice thing to do in my humble opinion. We all play a part in things, and we all need to get back to taking responsibility instead of moving away from it as society is tending towards and that makes me personally really sad.....that it looks like humanity is becoming less than kind in their interactions with each other...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mommy and Aisha Day Today

My Precious GEM......


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Daily Tarot Card for Saturday, March 27

"The Knight of Chalices card suggests that my power today lies in passion. Pursuing and expressing my hearts desire honors my love, passion, and beauty and is worth waiting, courting or crusading for. What I lack in external means, qualification or ability, I make up for with a true and dedicated heart. I am not a victim therefore I do not need to be rescued. I am empowered by patience or self-worth and my gift is emotional availability and devotion."

Food for thought

On the road of love, everyone trips, falls and skins their knee occasionally. But everyone also arrives at their destination eventually. Ease up on yourself. Put a little love in your heart and some fun in your life.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.

From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being

Monday, March 15, 2010


So Amazing how things Happens when you sit in Silence at one Place.


Ann On this day 3/15/2010 , God wants you to know...
... wealth does not come from your bank account, wealth comes from the depth of your heart. What you really want is happiness. You might believe that a fat bank account will get you there, but that's false. Happy people are happy rich or poor, unhappy people are unhappy... rich or poor. Money simply masks your real being by giving you activities to occupy your mind. Don't fool yourself, recession or not, your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only there.


Hi Ann ! Here is your Daily Tarot Card for Monday, March 15

"The Sun card suggests that my alter ego is the Golden Child, whose superpower for celebration lies in expressing my love, joy and pride. I will be happy today, reflecting on the simple joys in life and my glory days. It's all good! You are in your happy place -- shining brightly for all to see. It may seem too good to be true, but don't worry and enjoy the experience while it lasts."


Hi Ann ! Here is your Daily Love Tarot Card for Monday, March 15

"The Seven of Pentacles card suggests that you should use a brief break to assess and make adjustments to your priorities or relationship. You can also simply capture the moment and admire or consider the progress made. Much may depend on the full maturation of this matter, so be patient and persevere without rushing to judgment. Remind yourself of the purpose of what you are doing. There is much work ahead, but the time is not yet ripe for you to act. Don't assume anything or meddle, but let nature take its course. Stick to tending your own backyard and your interest will flourish and give back to you sevenfold. Don't hurry, for shortcuts at this point could spoil your chances."


Sunday, March 14, 2010

When Silence...Speaks.

moving bright yellow pigeon on blue background photo

What a Gorgeous Sunday afternoon riding bikes with my kids in town ...I can smell BBQing , Everyone is outside enjoying the day with their families.

When suddenly after a long of Silence and Stillness...A CLARITY of Savory Informations has delivered to me. THAT'S IT! Everything has been CONFIRMED!!!

NOW I can Totally MOVE ON with my LIFE...Finally, a CLOSURE that I've been waiting for has arrived.

A Friend txt me and said, " Ann , Finally YOU are FREE from the PAST honey! YOU are LIVING NOW!"



Goodbye Dark Past, Ungrateful Ones!

I can finally taste the sweetness of FREEDOM and not being scared nor worry about anything or anyone , Anymore!!!


Peace, Love and Light,
Maria Antonette


Young Asian female sitting on beach meditating and looking out to ocean. photo

Dear God, I am ready to have a relationship
with a wonderful person,
who truly gets me, loves me, adores me,
and is ready to build a life with me.

I know in my heart there is a special person out there for me.
My name is written across his/her heart.
Please put me on the right track toward true love.
and lead me to a place of committed love.

I am willing to work on myself and
To make myself ready for love.
Please grant me the power
to look at love through spiritual eyes,
And to remain sincere about
finding and maintaining the relationship I have longed for.

A Divine love is working through me now in creating perfect nurturing, soul connecting lovemaking between ME and The RIGHT Person God has chosen for Me to Spend the rest of My Life.


My mind is a garden of rich soil. I plant the seeds of love in my mind and water it daily with thoughts of kindness. My thoughts are seedlings sprouting up in multi-colored hues of my personality. I am a beautiful being thriving in this fertile envorinment of love and peace. I accept myself in all my colors and I am open to receive love from within and from all those with whom I choose to connect. I bless and love myself and those around me. And, So It Is."

A Positive affirmation is about loving ourselves


"In my desire to understand another's view point, I place myself in their shoes for clarity of their purpose. In my desire to be given a break, I give others a break, too. In my desire to be forgiven, I offer forgiveness to others. In my desire to be loved and appreciated, I offer love and appreciation to others, as well. I trust that the Golden Rule applies to me and I incorporate it into my life every moment of every day."

Affirmation helps you to leave behind you those relationships that no longer serve a higher purpose in your life, as you open your heart and mind to new relationships that are waiting in the wings


" Both fear and love offer opportunities for growth; I actively choose love over fear. Despite _____ (fear, doubts, anger, failure, etc), I profoundly love and respect myself and accept who I am completely. "

We can deny ourselves our feelings of negativity, but .. .. .. eventually, it catches up with us. So ... go with it ~ look at the negative side of your situation, and accept it for what it is. Then, actively choose to move on, past the fear, hurt or feelings of not being worthy. We, each of us, have free will. Let's use it to serve the good of the whole.


"Every experience I have is for my personal benefit and for the good of the whole. I know that miracles exist and I fully anticipate miracles to occur in my day-to-day life to bring me wholeness, goodness and joy. Miracles are happening NOW and I accept their blessings with an open heart."

Trust that all things happen in our lives for purpose; there is no 'chance'.


"I completely trust in the process of life and recognize what is best for me. I accept people, places, things and feelings that are best for me and reject those that do not serve a positive purpose in my life."

affirmation is designed to give us the power to say "Yes" to the good things in our lives and "No" to the things that are not so good.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


meditation at the seashore with big rainbow photo

I've been Learning alot lately about truly letting go of things that doesn't bring me good anymore. I have been Rewarding People I love and I care sweet candies even after the fact that they mistreated me and disrespects me. I came to Realization that ENOUGH is ENOUGH! I found myself getting angry because all the time yet deep inside it doesnt bother them. I certainly didn't want to be so angry with another human being, and I knew the time had come to just have to let it go and let GOD.

Couple days ago I have left no choice that to send my son to his grand parents for awhile away from Us , his friends and hoping he can finish studying for is GED. Praying Strongly that there will be some Positive Changes on his end. It hurts and Kills me but I have to do this. My hands are tied and I can no longer let anyone abuse the kindness I've been showing them. I love my son so dearly but i know as a mother I did the right thing. For Years I've been fooled and Lied at by my Ex. Living in Lies and Deceptions and yet in his mind it's been over between US long time ago. I have been giving them so many Chances, Accepting their bad behaviours and Just in the end they've Betrayed Me and worsts with no remorse for what they've done to me. So Consequences has to happen when things are getting out of hands and out of control. I MUST PUT A STOP into IT!

How we all have our own cross to bear. It took time to think how walking through the fires can forge us into something beautiful. It's in the valleys we grow the most, and perhaps recognize what we value most. Think of a glass figurine and the fire which turned it into a fine work of art. Or perhaps a horseshoe being bent and modeled into something useful. Often we fear the fires of change because it may mean walking into the unnknown or unfamiliar. It may bring about such changes that we fear having to do more or change our path altogether. Today I'm trying NOT to fear. The furnace ran out of fuel, but I'm thanking GOD I have money to pay the bill today.

I walk in FAITH today hoping my message helps even one person. I'm opening up and sharing my life so you can see, I'm just like you. I have concerns, hopes, and dreams and my problems are just as real as yours are.

Forging a better life what does it mean? Let's take a look at the dictionary: To forge is to transform by heating or hammering or to give form or shape to, especially by means of careful effort. Okay, careful effort isn't sitting idly by allowing each day to go by and going with the flow of things. It's about purposely changing ones life and transforming who you are from the inside out. As my Son tries to find himself ,and My Ex tries to find his heart. I know I'm going to need to forge a better life for me and my children. My job has always been to stay at home Mom so that I could take care of my Children. But Since for few years now I have been working outside my home in order to Provide for my kids which means, I am not at home to attend their needs at all time which has been very difficult for all of us .But today I'm open to whatever God puts in my path so long as it forges me into an even better person.

I believe this is LIFE 101.... an ever growing journey where learning never stops until our final day. I'm open to learning all I can. My dream is similiar to many of your own. Family comes first in my heart, and marriage is something I hold very sacred. However, marriage isn't just about one person. It's two people becoming one and lifting each other up, speaking kindly of one another, and bringing out the best. Bottom line is marriage is work. Yet when one person works on a marriage and the other does nothing, you find you no longer have a marriage. To marry means to combine or unite and it's hard to do that when one person isn't working towards the same goal. Marriage is like a garden and it must be tended to or you can lose what you had.

If you read my blogs in the past you know I always tell you to BELIEVE in YOURSELF. Your belief in you is what helps manifest change. If you believe in yourself, then you will take chances and risks to become the person you want to be. You can allow yourself to be changed in a positive way as you walk through challenging times. It's all in your thinking. You can wake up and say today is going to be an awesome day and make it so by focusing on all the blessings and good things. Should the tire be flat, you can say "I have a car." You see, it's all in how you think. You will need to be determined to stand firm and not sway from your path. It's often easier said than done. Yet what is easier doesn't always make it the right choice. I could easily tell my son or my ex , "Okay come home now." What will change ?? What will happen if I do that? I certainly know better by now. It's going to take a LOT for the change to happen, but I'm willing to walk through the fires of change because to me, being in a loving relationship where I am valued is far better than saying I'm married and feeling so alone. Also Being VALUED as a Beautiful , Loving and Caring Person that I AM . So, my dear friends, I'm forging for a better life and I'm EXCITED and praying for good things to come. Best wishes to you....


Today I'm thankful I have a job! I'm thankful I have 5 Beautiful Children, and I am so thankful I have this blog to continue doing what I do love. Sharing my life with you with the hopes that it helps others, even if it just means you don't feel alone today. I wish you the greatest blessings! Keep hope alive in your heart, and walk forward in faith. The road ahead may seem full of obstacles, but remember the fires that a beautiful piece of glass art goes through to become so refined and sparkling. Our lives are what we make them. Blessings....

Friday, March 12, 2010


Mid-adult couple making heart shape with arms on beach at sunset. photo

Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be fair, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself and your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way.”

The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.
We worry about things that we can not control. Think about the things that you can control and own your power.

Such good stuff. Recently had to accept a new reality, and it meant giving up old beliefs and even if I didn't think it was right, accepting what was. So hard, but the Peace that comes afterward is worth it. It is true that once that risks is taking on a new reality so many great things can happen.


Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth

Ann On this day 3/12/10... God wants you to know...
... that you will get back to solving all the wrongs in a moment, - how about taking a moment to treasure what is right. All too often we focus so intently on solving the problems, that we forget to zoom out and celebrate what is good in our life already.


Beautiful the bride and the groom kiss photo

Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.

I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

Love is a wonderful gift. Although there have been times in my own life where I have felt it's a curse. I believe if we keep laughing at ourselves as we risk loving another complex person, then we open ourselves up to wonderful opportunties. People are not perfect, but true love comes in loving the unperfect person as he or she is. I have often told myself it is better to risk it all in love, than to one day sit back in a rocking chair wishing I had done so.

Today I wish you love, light, and laughter! Have a fantastic day!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Great Weekend with People I care and Love the Most...My Children, My Family

Wow another fun weekend. Nothing can compare nor even replace the warmth of having a close family. My children and I have been very close lately , we have been talking alot, Praying alot and doing stuff together. I started doing again the " One on One date with Mom" - Where I pick which kid I will take out that weekend and they get to chose where they want to eat and what they want to do that day.

I am very Blessed and A Very Lucky Woman having 5 beautiful and wonderful children. Yes sometimes we have some issues but for the most part, they are still good kids. We are all still together for the good times and for the bad times. They know that No one else will be there for us, but Only the 6 of Us til the end. The Strong BOND that we all have will never ever be broken , God is with Us and thats the Beauty of it , and that's God Promise to Us.

The Family that Prays Together....Stays Forever.

God bless you all.

Ann , James , Justin, Joseph , Angeliviv and Aisha.


Ann On this day 3/7/2010 , God wants you to know...
... that you are blessed. You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere.

My kids and I want to share with you our song....Enjoy!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Me and My Two Daughters New Fave Song and Video


Time is going by so much faster than I
And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you
Now I'm wondering why I've kept this bottled inside
So I'm starting to regret not telling all of it to you
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know

You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
You're never gonna be alone
I'll hold you till the hurt is gone

And now, as long as I can
I'm holding on with both hands
Cause forever I believe that there's nothing I could need but you
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know

You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
When all hope is gone
I know that you can carry on
We're gonna see the world out
I'll hold you till the hurt is gone

You've gotta live every single day
Like it's the only one
What if tomorrow never comes?
Don't let it slip away
Could be our only one
You know it's only just begun
Every single day
Maybe our only one
What if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow never comes

Time is going by so much faster than I
I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you

You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
When all hope is gone
I know that you can carry on
We're gonna see the world out
I'll hold you till the hurt is gone

I'm gonna be there all the way
I won't be missing one more day
I'm gonna be there all the way
I won't be missing one more day

Another Great Blog from a Friend

The Ostrich Syndrome....Who is it benefiting?

The sinking ship theory is that you are under the impression that everything is going South, yet you hang in there - refusing to see it. You bend over backwards, trying with all your might to swim in that sea of denial - that if ONLY you could do this or do that right, your significant other will suddenly snap to and his eyes will be wide open as to how great of a person you are.

You are but a mere shell of yourself, not quite understanding what it is that really brings you joy, but you feel deep in your heart that this just HAS to work. Afterall, you've invested so much into him - and now what?

Jeopardize your values, bite your tongue, don't say what is really on your mind for - um, for WHAT? fear that he is going to pull his disappearing act again? Eggshells hurt your feet. Seriously - so do razor blades, and you're walking on both. And WHY?

Is it the relationship you're going to miss, or HIM? Be honest with yourself. Yes, there are definitely parts of the relationship you will miss. But, honestly, are you going to miss being blamed for everything - that no matter what you do or say, it won't be good enough? Good enough for who? A person that doesn't appreciate you? That takes you for granted, that never even notices the little things you do ... and yet, if he takes out the garbage if you don't make a huge deal out of it then HE feels unappreciated.

Isn't it better to be alone than to try and hold your breath about saying something that may put him in a tale spin???? Where is the independet strong person you once were? Are you on an emotional vacation, and afraid to upset the apple cart?

Be the person you are. Please. If you're trying to squelsh that person, and be what you THINK they want - who is benefiting anyway???? Certainly not you!

Love and Light,


Very Well Said , Ms. Jane...Bravo!


Friday, March 5, 2010

The Time has Come......

A Woman walking along the beach photo

I have recently made a startling discovery about myself. I never thought I would reach this point, but now I must contend with it. I have Spent so much time , so many years Loving Others first but Myself. I have been worrying about people i care about but never attend to what "Ann's Needs". I've been fearful, and frigthened of making a mistake but just end up losing control of myself and being hurt. I am constantly noticing I am not balanced within myself.

The Time has come.....I must allow to LOVE ME in little by little. Allow each day to be today and let the future be the future. I can only live today as tomorrow is never promised. I can rely on my friends to allow me to talk my feelings out and pray. I look to God, the Universe, and the Angels to be there for me. I talk often to them. I say my Serenity Prayer as a mantra to myself.

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,

The courage to accept the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

I can live today and only today. I will allow each day to be a new day, hell I can let each new moment to begin a new. I let it begin with me right now. I am willing to let my walls down gradually for if I don't how can I live my life? I may have missed a wonderful opportunity and learn the lesson that needs to be learn and become even stronger for it. Of course, I would never forget those who have been part of my Painful Years ...My Greatest Challenges - for it made me who and where I am Today, Undefeated.

God is Good....He is My Rock!!!

Peace to all,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Great Quote

Silhouette image of a couple romancing at the beach photo

“Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before.” ~Author Unknown

Unless you are open to love and let go of past hurts, love will never show up because you will never recognize it.



Ann , On this day 3/4/2010 , God wants you to know...

... that letting go makes you wealthier. Wealth is never measured by what you have, but by what you can give away. You are rich with money when you can afford to donate. You are rich with love when you can give love freely. You are rich with God when you can behold your enemy with compassion.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Think Yourself HAPPY :)

Couple jumping together photo

Happiness can be achieved by appreciating the here and now. Often we may look outside of ourselves to find that happiness. We can count on others to be the ones to make us happy. We can count on a promotion or a material blessing to be just the thing that will be the thing to change everything for us. We can say "IF ONLY..." and we really begin to think if that one thing would just happen, all would be well in our world. Yet have you ever noticed how one thing leads to another? We always want more from the people around us or from the material world? Our list of demands and wishes gets bigger even when we do get that one thing we think can change it all.

The pursuit of happiness is within you right at this very second. It's not in someone giving you what you want. It's in choosing to be happy right where you are... right now. It's making the best of times even in the worst of times. Finding that inner rainbow within yourself is really a decision to do so. It's really not about finding happiness, but more in making your own happiness today.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

Peace to All,


Ann, On this day 3/3/2010 , God wants you to know...
... that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Trust in God that everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Just as a child has to pass through a tiny channel on its way from the womb into life, so are you on your way to God.
