Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another Great Blog from a Friend

The Ostrich Syndrome....Who is it benefiting?

The sinking ship theory is that you are under the impression that everything is going South, yet you hang in there - refusing to see it. You bend over backwards, trying with all your might to swim in that sea of denial - that if ONLY you could do this or do that right, your significant other will suddenly snap to and his eyes will be wide open as to how great of a person you are.

You are but a mere shell of yourself, not quite understanding what it is that really brings you joy, but you feel deep in your heart that this just HAS to work. Afterall, you've invested so much into him - and now what?

Jeopardize your values, bite your tongue, don't say what is really on your mind for - um, for WHAT? fear that he is going to pull his disappearing act again? Eggshells hurt your feet. Seriously - so do razor blades, and you're walking on both. And WHY?

Is it the relationship you're going to miss, or HIM? Be honest with yourself. Yes, there are definitely parts of the relationship you will miss. But, honestly, are you going to miss being blamed for everything - that no matter what you do or say, it won't be good enough? Good enough for who? A person that doesn't appreciate you? That takes you for granted, that never even notices the little things you do ... and yet, if he takes out the garbage if you don't make a huge deal out of it then HE feels unappreciated.

Isn't it better to be alone than to try and hold your breath about saying something that may put him in a tale spin???? Where is the independet strong person you once were? Are you on an emotional vacation, and afraid to upset the apple cart?

Be the person you are. Please. If you're trying to squelsh that person, and be what you THINK they want - who is benefiting anyway???? Certainly not you!

Love and Light,


Very Well Said , Ms. Jane...Bravo!


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