Saturday, March 13, 2010


meditation at the seashore with big rainbow photo

I've been Learning alot lately about truly letting go of things that doesn't bring me good anymore. I have been Rewarding People I love and I care sweet candies even after the fact that they mistreated me and disrespects me. I came to Realization that ENOUGH is ENOUGH! I found myself getting angry because all the time yet deep inside it doesnt bother them. I certainly didn't want to be so angry with another human being, and I knew the time had come to just have to let it go and let GOD.

Couple days ago I have left no choice that to send my son to his grand parents for awhile away from Us , his friends and hoping he can finish studying for is GED. Praying Strongly that there will be some Positive Changes on his end. It hurts and Kills me but I have to do this. My hands are tied and I can no longer let anyone abuse the kindness I've been showing them. I love my son so dearly but i know as a mother I did the right thing. For Years I've been fooled and Lied at by my Ex. Living in Lies and Deceptions and yet in his mind it's been over between US long time ago. I have been giving them so many Chances, Accepting their bad behaviours and Just in the end they've Betrayed Me and worsts with no remorse for what they've done to me. So Consequences has to happen when things are getting out of hands and out of control. I MUST PUT A STOP into IT!

How we all have our own cross to bear. It took time to think how walking through the fires can forge us into something beautiful. It's in the valleys we grow the most, and perhaps recognize what we value most. Think of a glass figurine and the fire which turned it into a fine work of art. Or perhaps a horseshoe being bent and modeled into something useful. Often we fear the fires of change because it may mean walking into the unnknown or unfamiliar. It may bring about such changes that we fear having to do more or change our path altogether. Today I'm trying NOT to fear. The furnace ran out of fuel, but I'm thanking GOD I have money to pay the bill today.

I walk in FAITH today hoping my message helps even one person. I'm opening up and sharing my life so you can see, I'm just like you. I have concerns, hopes, and dreams and my problems are just as real as yours are.

Forging a better life what does it mean? Let's take a look at the dictionary: To forge is to transform by heating or hammering or to give form or shape to, especially by means of careful effort. Okay, careful effort isn't sitting idly by allowing each day to go by and going with the flow of things. It's about purposely changing ones life and transforming who you are from the inside out. As my Son tries to find himself ,and My Ex tries to find his heart. I know I'm going to need to forge a better life for me and my children. My job has always been to stay at home Mom so that I could take care of my Children. But Since for few years now I have been working outside my home in order to Provide for my kids which means, I am not at home to attend their needs at all time which has been very difficult for all of us .But today I'm open to whatever God puts in my path so long as it forges me into an even better person.

I believe this is LIFE 101.... an ever growing journey where learning never stops until our final day. I'm open to learning all I can. My dream is similiar to many of your own. Family comes first in my heart, and marriage is something I hold very sacred. However, marriage isn't just about one person. It's two people becoming one and lifting each other up, speaking kindly of one another, and bringing out the best. Bottom line is marriage is work. Yet when one person works on a marriage and the other does nothing, you find you no longer have a marriage. To marry means to combine or unite and it's hard to do that when one person isn't working towards the same goal. Marriage is like a garden and it must be tended to or you can lose what you had.

If you read my blogs in the past you know I always tell you to BELIEVE in YOURSELF. Your belief in you is what helps manifest change. If you believe in yourself, then you will take chances and risks to become the person you want to be. You can allow yourself to be changed in a positive way as you walk through challenging times. It's all in your thinking. You can wake up and say today is going to be an awesome day and make it so by focusing on all the blessings and good things. Should the tire be flat, you can say "I have a car." You see, it's all in how you think. You will need to be determined to stand firm and not sway from your path. It's often easier said than done. Yet what is easier doesn't always make it the right choice. I could easily tell my son or my ex , "Okay come home now." What will change ?? What will happen if I do that? I certainly know better by now. It's going to take a LOT for the change to happen, but I'm willing to walk through the fires of change because to me, being in a loving relationship where I am valued is far better than saying I'm married and feeling so alone. Also Being VALUED as a Beautiful , Loving and Caring Person that I AM . So, my dear friends, I'm forging for a better life and I'm EXCITED and praying for good things to come. Best wishes to you....


Today I'm thankful I have a job! I'm thankful I have 5 Beautiful Children, and I am so thankful I have this blog to continue doing what I do love. Sharing my life with you with the hopes that it helps others, even if it just means you don't feel alone today. I wish you the greatest blessings! Keep hope alive in your heart, and walk forward in faith. The road ahead may seem full of obstacles, but remember the fires that a beautiful piece of glass art goes through to become so refined and sparkling. Our lives are what we make them. Blessings....

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