Sunday, March 14, 2010


Young Asian female sitting on beach meditating and looking out to ocean. photo

Dear God, I am ready to have a relationship
with a wonderful person,
who truly gets me, loves me, adores me,
and is ready to build a life with me.

I know in my heart there is a special person out there for me.
My name is written across his/her heart.
Please put me on the right track toward true love.
and lead me to a place of committed love.

I am willing to work on myself and
To make myself ready for love.
Please grant me the power
to look at love through spiritual eyes,
And to remain sincere about
finding and maintaining the relationship I have longed for.

A Divine love is working through me now in creating perfect nurturing, soul connecting lovemaking between ME and The RIGHT Person God has chosen for Me to Spend the rest of My Life.


My mind is a garden of rich soil. I plant the seeds of love in my mind and water it daily with thoughts of kindness. My thoughts are seedlings sprouting up in multi-colored hues of my personality. I am a beautiful being thriving in this fertile envorinment of love and peace. I accept myself in all my colors and I am open to receive love from within and from all those with whom I choose to connect. I bless and love myself and those around me. And, So It Is."

A Positive affirmation is about loving ourselves


"In my desire to understand another's view point, I place myself in their shoes for clarity of their purpose. In my desire to be given a break, I give others a break, too. In my desire to be forgiven, I offer forgiveness to others. In my desire to be loved and appreciated, I offer love and appreciation to others, as well. I trust that the Golden Rule applies to me and I incorporate it into my life every moment of every day."

Affirmation helps you to leave behind you those relationships that no longer serve a higher purpose in your life, as you open your heart and mind to new relationships that are waiting in the wings


" Both fear and love offer opportunities for growth; I actively choose love over fear. Despite _____ (fear, doubts, anger, failure, etc), I profoundly love and respect myself and accept who I am completely. "

We can deny ourselves our feelings of negativity, but .. .. .. eventually, it catches up with us. So ... go with it ~ look at the negative side of your situation, and accept it for what it is. Then, actively choose to move on, past the fear, hurt or feelings of not being worthy. We, each of us, have free will. Let's use it to serve the good of the whole.


"Every experience I have is for my personal benefit and for the good of the whole. I know that miracles exist and I fully anticipate miracles to occur in my day-to-day life to bring me wholeness, goodness and joy. Miracles are happening NOW and I accept their blessings with an open heart."

Trust that all things happen in our lives for purpose; there is no 'chance'.


"I completely trust in the process of life and recognize what is best for me. I accept people, places, things and feelings that are best for me and reject those that do not serve a positive purpose in my life."

affirmation is designed to give us the power to say "Yes" to the good things in our lives and "No" to the things that are not so good.

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