Friday, March 5, 2010

The Time has Come......

A Woman walking along the beach photo

I have recently made a startling discovery about myself. I never thought I would reach this point, but now I must contend with it. I have Spent so much time , so many years Loving Others first but Myself. I have been worrying about people i care about but never attend to what "Ann's Needs". I've been fearful, and frigthened of making a mistake but just end up losing control of myself and being hurt. I am constantly noticing I am not balanced within myself.

The Time has come.....I must allow to LOVE ME in little by little. Allow each day to be today and let the future be the future. I can only live today as tomorrow is never promised. I can rely on my friends to allow me to talk my feelings out and pray. I look to God, the Universe, and the Angels to be there for me. I talk often to them. I say my Serenity Prayer as a mantra to myself.

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,

The courage to accept the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

I can live today and only today. I will allow each day to be a new day, hell I can let each new moment to begin a new. I let it begin with me right now. I am willing to let my walls down gradually for if I don't how can I live my life? I may have missed a wonderful opportunity and learn the lesson that needs to be learn and become even stronger for it. Of course, I would never forget those who have been part of my Painful Years ...My Greatest Challenges - for it made me who and where I am Today, Undefeated.

God is Good....He is My Rock!!!

Peace to all,

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