Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you struggling with a FAKE RELATIONSHIP?

Happy woman jumping in golden wheat<br /> photo

I admit, I've had a fake relationship. Everything about it was false - from the feelings that I managed to manufacture, to the Hallmark cards that expressed the sentiments that I WANTED to feel, but didn't.

When my fake relationship was crumbling, yes - I cried. Why? I suppose because my fake relationship did not manifest into what I wanted so badly to be real. And, I desperately wanted it to be real. Alas, it wasn't. I recall receiving the obligatory phone calls and not being one bit excited when I heard his voice. "Did I want to have dinner?" *yawn* sure - no one else around, you'll do. "Did I want to go to a party?" *yawn* Oh, yah, so everyone else could observe how fake our interactions were - sure. Why not?

So as my fake relationship disintegrated into more nothingness, something inside of me awoke and started cheering. Yes, my heart felt lighter. No more lies, no more self-deception, no more telling someone that I hardly liked (let alone loved) that I "love you" (said with all the enthusiasm of "I need to do laundry"). No more opening trinkets that were bought on impulse and pretending that they were the greatest gift on Earth! Yippie!

Amazingly, as I released my fake relationship and focused on me, my desires, my needs, doing things that I enjoyed and asking the Universe to bring me someone of like-mindedness....guess what? It happened.

The Universe knows when you're in a fake relationship, and regardless of how much YOU want SOMEONE - if that 'someone' isn't true in your heart, all you get is more emptiness. If you aren't with a person that makes your toes tingle, and brings a smile to your heart (for the most part - hey, we all have crabby days), then release it. And, no - it's not better than being alone!

Wait for the real deal, and not only will your life be more fun and fulfilling - but you're rewarded with what TRUE joy feels like!

I'm Glad that I made the right decisions to walk away from this person ....Who sucked me all dry!! With all his FAKE PROMISES AND FAKE I LOVE U'S ... How would this person feel if someone else will do this to him....hahaha!!

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