Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Girl relaxing on the porch  photo

How can we experience anything if we are too afraid to let go?! God help me when I say as I fray away at the ropes end I have discovered this week and can not believe the ultimate strength I am suppose to embody within me. A strength I have no doubt is there, but really did not comprehend its existance.

The "rope's end" hmmm that can be the title of my life story book to be on shelves 2011, lol no joke! Anyhow, that "rope's end" man has a lot of stank from all the shitty endings but you know what, I am about to slap this book closed as I am reading the last lines of Volume I and its good but hmmm, what is in Volume II, I must admit I am very, very, curious. Muhahhha!

I am no longer looking at things as lessons, trials or tribulations. That was in the earlier stages of life. Yes, I know I am not that old, my Spirit would beckon to argue differently :) I am however observing the growing pains of earlier life and giving it acknowledgement to forming the experiences of my journey which has definitely strengthen me.

I am happy, but more of that happiness is being consumed and that happiness is being defined, so maybe the year 2009 will be the defining moment, but like I read some where recently, " I am going to create the life I want and not wait for some one else to create it for me! " YAY! Let's that be our mantra for NOW as shifting upon shifting is well, shifting! What is shifting? Well, old, new, thought, stagnancy, movement, fear, doubt, positivity, all that hunk a mess! So in other words, be clear right now, what you want to shift OUT! And what you want to shift towards to bring it IN!

Trust me, I don't have the answer, especially, as I am right besides you, holding on saying, wholly crap what a storm this is! Eeewwww! and spit! LOL

Another thing is I am tired of feeling strong for a few days and then falling hard on my behind for a few hours out of a given day! That has got to stop, but as a wise woman stated "I have got to connect to my heart and stop being so hard on myself. I have got to stop over thinking and listen to my heart and not my mind." Good reminder, some times the freakin Ego, no matter how much layers you release, there is a piece remaining that stills holds on to the weak moments and test's every part of your spiritual experience. What a night mare, geezeee ease up already!

I am free, from painful heartache right now, and emotional strain. I pray you if you are going through anything similar and I pray for me to build on that inner strength and invoke the God spark within to ignite, flame up and shine, shine, shine bright!

Stand your Ground! Enough is enough, and love your self beautiful child are the words from the Goddess of Compassion . I bow to the Light that serves me, even when my heart is hurting and my eyes are filled with tears, thank you for being there comforting and rubbing me, wishing I can feel you more and not hurt! I AM Grateful and Blessed, thank you GOD. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!

So letting go, can be a pure bit*h, yes, lets not underestimate the power of the Ego and give it some light. Hey blast it so it can ease up some times too. Letting go to experience the journey within may at first feel impossible, or like nonsense. The unanswered questions have to be let go off as well, so do not let it ride you down from fully letting go! Now here I go, off to breathe, get a bite to eat and integrate this message for myself and begin my journey inward, as now I HAVE TO LET GO!

Be in Peace - Love yourself..
As I am Loving Mine- Ann

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