Monday, November 2, 2009


beautiful young woman sitting on a balcony with sunset sea in background photo

The first time i heard this song ...I just love it. This song is very Personal to me. For so many years i was living on someone else's life - doing what they want me to do and they want me to be under their spells. I felt so oppressed by my spouses ( 2 exes to be exact!) For so many years i was emotionally deprived from the passions of life .This is viewed as a difficult thing, a struggle, when it comes to letting go of that very thing we want to attain so badly. I believe I have finally understood, how to let go fully and let it be! I am not going to live my life under someone else's conditions or wait either, as that is what is truly a "waste of time". There is lots to see, do, part-take in and most of all in a nut shell, EXPERIENCE! I hope by sharing this awakening moment, it helps you to probably realize a similarity.

Have you ever wanted a person (place or thing, YEAH THE NOUNS ) to enter your life so bad, that, that is all you think about? Even when you are distracted and or focused on yourself, your goals, other stuff, when that is completed, you go right back to thinking about that person (place or thing)! Then being your friend here with blood running through my veins, we tend to get impatient, antsy, frustrated and disappointed. Our reality, then becomes one of chaos, because emotionally we are imbalancing our level of consciousness. We shift ourselves out of a place of peace or contentment, to probably thinking, "WHAT THE HECK IS UP?" Is my prayers being heard, am I deserving of this wish, why is it taking this long, is there something I am doing wrong? Yet you get no satisfying response or maybe you do.

I have realized very recently that enough is enough and there is no more holding back and thinking that I have to let someone or something else process before I can open up. That by expressing myself, my intentions, my truth, I am being true to myself and my Spirit will not feel short changed because I am stifling my truth. It's like the saying, " The truth shall set you free." The thing is if I continue to stifling my truth, it then becomes as if it is not true, the mind begins to create another reality of it, which in turns, rids the truth of its very essence! Then this is how I have noticed the emotional body becomes even deeper imbalanced. I am not trying to go there anymore! Been there done that, processed , heal, now it is time to advance to the next level of consciousness and conscious experiences.

By CHOICE, I am going to choose to get it out, speak up more, let it go, and so it is, let the other person, or situation, process my truth and see how the Universe will provide for me. One thing I am sure of is that God does deliever. I will be trust and believe it to deliver to me exactly what it is I NEED NOW! So join me in this journey, step by step, we can achieve it. As I will and can, I know so can you!

It is time to LET GO OF YOU, by peeling off the layers that have not worked and do not work, or works no longer, we can begin to see clearer, raise our vibration so we are happier, and allow the energy of love to come in and help us through.

I am Breaking myself FREE from all the Negativities from my past...I am and I will be HAPPY!!! I will NO longer be stuck on with expectations and standards that I have to meet, that I'm so welled up inside. I just want to do my own thing for so long.I was once Lost and Now I've found myself and my way out!!

And remember:
It's Only Ever You Who Can Do the Things You Do
So Take the Chance Everyone Tells You Not To
And Live Your Life For YOU!

Peace to All,

"There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go".


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