Monday, November 23, 2009


Jesus walking on the water photo

During the greatest challenges in my life I have thought of the passage from the bible which states,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Boy Have there been some challenging times where I have had to let go & let God.There have been days when I have sat back thinking I need to allow God to carry me through this crisis.To me, It's okay to say we've reached our limit...

I know that you have heard this phrase and you've probably seen it on stickers and magnets and such............but until it means something to you really know what it means?

I talk to so many people each day who are stressed out about their relationships and their careers. When I say to them, "Let go and let God handle it." They seem disbelieving, or untrusting. Can you blame them? Today, I myself learned the meaning of what I have been preaching.

Stress is and has been such a part of my life for several years. I have depression problems, insomnia etc.....I prayed so hard and the only thing my gut tells me ... "LET GO AND LET GOD!"

This is why in THE SECRET, they tell you to focus on what you want, and the release it. Let the universe do it's thing, (or GOD) We're all stressed out about the things that we have no control over anyway, Right???

So starting today, I am going to release my stress by letting God worry about things for me. He has control and can do anything. There's going to be a new me, a happier me!

God Bless!


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