Sunday, November 9, 2008

FAITH- Sometimes,that's all we have left....

" FAITH is to Believe what You do not see...The Reward of this Faith is to see what You Believe. " - St. Augustine

The thing is to believe in our Dreams . To Hope for the future . To know things are going to be better. To Believe. this is our goal, To have Faith that GOD isn't going to let us down, that Life is going to change, that our dreams , our mission, our purpose will carry on. We can create miracles, we can have hope, we can believe.

I have recieved some great feedbacks from Parents on my " Parenting is a JOB " - a Full time one to be exact! (Opppps, that's one of the bo-bos i did yesterday if you noticed, i accidentally titled my blog as "Parent is a job" -duh! again, I apologize.) It's not easy to let it go on anyone you really care for and deeply love . Hence, Letting go of your own child that you nurtured of all these years. But with your Strong Faith and Believe in God you can only hope for the best and that things will be alright. Well, My son is moving out this coming weekend with his friends in a town right next to mine. It still gives me tears thinking about it but He is a Great Kid , I know he will be OK. Couple of my friends who knows my children well when they were still little , emailed me back after reading my blog yesterday saying that My oldest son has been the big guy at home ever since while his step dad was away ( My ex was in the U.S. Navy- figure that , he is gone alot!) My oldest son helped me alot taking care of the little ones. I remembered about 7 months ago I told him that he needs to start going out with friends -doing things and his replied was, " Mom, who will be here to watch you and my little sisters ?" I was shocked! I told him that he needs to enjoy being a teenager plus I don't go out anyways so i can take care of the girls. Well, i guess he did enjoy being with friends now that he didn't want to be at home anymore. Geee, thanks to me i pushed my son away! ( I jinxed it, aye? lol!)

Anyway, I forgot the attach the song i wanted to go along with that blog from yesterday . It's Crosby,Stills,Nash &Young ..."Teach your Children Well". It's one of my fave oldies but goodies song....I hope you like it!
GOD BLESS YOU ALL- Cherish every single moment that you have with your kids , quit beating yourself up thinking that it's your fault that they turned out to be something different . STOP BLAMING, STOP REGRETTING , START LIVING!!!! God is Always with YOU.


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