Saturday, November 1, 2008


NEW BEGINNINGS"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." - -- Marian Wright Edelman

Making decisions that can make a big difference in our lives, by doing the small stuff that moves us along the path. Sometimes it seems like we are barely moving or we are in limbo but sometimes the baby steps help us make the giant leaps into the future. Each of us are different in our own way and have our own talents, gifts, and important place in the universe to build a great future.

We think we have no purpose, what are we here for, but deep in the recesses of our spirit, we have a gift to share, even if it is the little things. When my children my boys were younger, I wanted to be a singer, but my role was more in the kitchen, the children in the background and I was happy there. No I never became this great singer but I walked my path and tried to stay in my role. We all can do the little things that add up to the big things.

Start your day or Week with a positive outlook in Life and Always Remember to be Thankful and Count your Blessings! Besides, LIFE IS GOOD! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !

Thank you for everyone who emailed me feedbacks on STRENGHT-FAITH-LOVE...I had some people said that it made them cry . It's a real deal my friends, it's not from a soap opera either! Also , I had long lost Friends that Asked about the Friday -Sushi Night with my kids..Yes, It's was Delicious! Sorry I can't share you my Sake.....Anyway, Thank you all for sparing your time to read my blogs.

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