Saturday, November 1, 2008


My Friends and Families, Today's topic took me days to put it all together. It might not interest some of you but surely ,if we take some time to open our hearts and minds ,we will then understand Our Purpose in Life. GOD BLESS....

There comes a time in every person's life when they have to choose between two roads: fear, or love. These are the two emotions that under-pin our human life. Only one, though, leads to the fulfilment of life which is its purpose.
When one acts out of fear, one is acting from a thought of limitation. The thought that you will not be able to get what you need, or, that you will lose that which you think is yours.

Everyone realises from a deep level that the 'fear' is a blocking, unnecessary, negative and limiting emotion. They see that fear is irrational, especially through the spiritual lens. Spirituality is not just a loose concept. It is a concept about life itself. Change the word 'spirituality' with 'awareness' and they will mean the same thing. Fears are like castles built on sand. They will always be washed away with the tide because they are not your reality.When you think life has to be a struggle, that you can only 'win' the 'game of life' through competition of the fittest, then that's what life will be for you… a constant struggle towards some ever20higher goal, and never a feeling of satisfaction and contentment.
It is the lack of awareness of how the world really works, and your belief systems themselves which say to you that you have to struggle, that life is a hard-task and that 'God', whatever form you give It, is the task-master driving us into trouble and strive.

So let's take this fear of death. Everybody at some point will fear death. Death is the marker that people put on their lives. "Got to do this, that and the other before I die or I will have failed." If not the case then they will try and prolong their life, or try to never think about it. This is the fear that life will cease to be which installs the fears of limitation, lack, and fighting to protect what you have.What if I were to tell you that this was not the way it was meant to be? If you were to understand the true nature of love from which the whole world was created, would you still exist in fear? I hope not, because when you increase awareness about the true nature of the love underpinning everything, you understand why the fears can never be real, and why you can never lack that which you have never lost.

Changing your beliefs will change your life. Changing your life will change the World. It all starts from you, because you are all you are. You are not your house, your bank balance, your family or your trophies. You are the kernel of Life itself. You are the 'God-force' experiencing its own life through your life and freedom. This is why you are free to think thoughts of fear, or thoughts of love.

So change your thoughts to those of love, for what you think on will be your reality. If you let fear control you, then you stifle the 'Great Spirit' within you from doing its love-work for you and for all those you meet. It's all a matter of perception. It's all a matter of understanding Who You Are and Where You Came From.

Make the decision and say YES to love today, and NO to fear.

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