Saturday, November 1, 2008


To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind." - -- Paul Aubuchon
I've always admired the people who no matter what the circumstances, no matter what happens, or what people say, they steadfastly stand by the people they love. Lasting love no matter what faults the person may have, is such a strength is always amazes me. To know that this is the right person and stand firm on our faith is so strong and will fill us with happiness. I know that all of us that are sharing here have this ability. We believe that GOD is out there to help us carry on.

I would like to take this oppurtunity to share with you as a Perfect example of today's topic are My "Parents "-who has been married for almost 40 yrs now. Remembering while i was growing up back home-My dad was never been home with us- He was working overseas for Years and Only comes home to see us once a year and for a month. So my mom played the biggest role in our household raising 3 children. As I recall at one time i believed i was about 16 yrs old when i finally have the courage to say what i feel , I caught my mom crying and I told her..."Why don't you just leave him (my dad) ,Why don't we just leave him". My mom replied to me in anger..." You wont understand things now but someday down the road when you have your own family you will! The Love that I have for your father and my children - I will give myself and do anything just to Keep this Family Together". Ever since then I see things, I hear things and I know things but i kept it in silence and let them deal their own battles. For those of you who knows my parents now very well , they are just like "cats-and-dogs" , right? Now they've learned after all these years , when they have their disagreements (which happens everyday, by the way! they're both stubborn....OMG!! ) but they managed to expressed their anger by making fun of it -then laugh together about it, and that's it! They don't talk about it again. My Dad is the Biggest Flirt ever (most of you will 100% agree) but it doesn't bothers my mom-she knew where his heart is.

My Dad is 74 yrs old now and will be undergoing his 3rd surgery for Colonoscopy they found a tumor growing that would need an immediate attention. I spoke to my dad yesterday and was telling me that ..." He would kiss the ground of the path where my mom is walking on ,for She Stood by him all these years ,never leave his side and still Takes good care of him. That death is the only way that will keep them Apart." I do understand now how their true love for each other , that they are each other's world. My dad hasn't been working for years now , My mom told him to stay at home and relax ,that he has done alot for all of us and it's time for her to take care of everything . Well, of course with the condition of he has to drive her to work everyday and wherever she goes. The other day , I was talking to my mom on the phone and i can hear my dad on the background saying, " I'm dying , Im dying" (playing around) My mom just told him, " Don't worry You are not gonna die yet, You have done so many bad things in your life in the past that God still wants you to stay alive and suffer more!" I heard silence for a couple of seconds then both of them started cracking up, and i laughed with them too.

Perhaps, most of you have parents that still together for so many years now - still standing strong . If only we can have the same mentality, the same kind of attitudes, the same beliefs , the same water they were drinking or air they were breathing back in the days. Maybe then the ratio of divorce is allot less than what we have now.What happened to the famous sacred rites? " For Better and for worst , In sickness and In health ...Til death do us apart". Yeah , yeah you probably saying , "Look who's talking , Ann ?" Hey, I have never denied the fact that im part of the statistic why the divorce rate is high, ok . Don't shoot the messenger , I'm just making a point and sharing things with all of you . Maybe if we just learn to express our emotions in a joking manner and laugh at things together ....If we could only try to really listen and open our eyes even more -we can actually be like them , having the Strenght , the Faith and Unconditional Love beats all the odds , Only if we try......and Maybe then ?

Again those of you who wishes not to recieve my blogs please let me know and i will take you off my lists. You don't need to respond but a feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you !


"Jesus treated women with the utmost Respect and Honor" (John 4:1-38)
Likewise, "Husbands are instructed to live with their wives with understanding ,giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel" (Peter 3:7)

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