Saturday, November 1, 2008


Costa Rica
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things." - -- Albert Einstein
We all need people in our lives. As the old saying goes, "no man is an island." We however, need more than just material things in life. We need joy, peace, we need to like ourselves, we need to believe in ourselves and our dreams. Sometimes family, friends, neighbors who love us try to protect us too much. They discourage our dreams and hopes knowing that sometimes the road may be hard. Yes, something really good hardly ever comes easy. Some may say, well if spirit is behind it, why doesn't it just flow easily? We can learn lessons from the hard times and see where things can grow from them. Stay true to our hearts, our goals and our dreams.

God Bless You all! Enjoy your weekend with your family and love ones!! I know we will, Friday night- Sushi Night with my best buddies-My kids!! Weekend, Just kick back and relax watch some movies.

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