Saturday, November 1, 2008


Bright and Sunny!
Life is a journey. Often we stumble upon times where we feel so lost & alone. We may have been hurt by another person or we may have let ourself down.
Mother Theresa said it best.... "THIS TOO SHALL PASS"
When you find yourself in times that are hard, remember this is not forever.
There is Light at the end of the tunnel. This experience you are having is purposeful, it is meant to take you to the place you are meant to be. Each time we lose our way offers us the chance to slow down and take a look at what we are doing, where we are going, and how in the world did we get here!
In my own life, I have expereinced these times. Looking back, I can see how each time I fell, I not only got up again, but when I did I was stronger and found inner strength and inner wisdom I never realized I had. This is what hard times offer us on a Soul level. A time to dig deep within us and find what we need to get back up and take one more step forward. Failure really only occurs when we cease to get up & try again!

Whatever situation you may find yourself in today that is making you feel lost and confused and ready to give up, know that it is here to help you realize how strong and confident you really are. Deep within you lies a vast energy that can be tapped into to help you get up, brush off the mud and move forward. Do not despair for you are never alone, your angels walk beside you every step of the way.
Your hard times are an opportunity to strengthen your connection with your Higher Self, your Soul. Your Soul will never lead you in the wrong direction. Quite often, when we make a choice that does not honor our true Higher Self, we feel regret, we feel anger towards self, we feel like we have failed. Well we haven't failed.....we have not honored our Higher Self. Forgiving yourself for times when you didn't make the best choice is key!

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