Saturday, November 1, 2008


Where is the blessings?
This has been a very trying time for my family. I know there are other families out there struggling to pay their bills, feed their families, and celebrate the coming holidays. When life isn't going the way we had hoped, it's easy to overlook the blessings in our lives. It's a choice every day to wake up thinking TODAY is the day my luck will change. Or we can focus on all the events that certainly can make for a bad day if we can only see the negative.

I lost my job three months ago. No warning, no sign a struggle would be up ahead. It wasn't easy especially on my case being a Single Mom of 5 and worsts the kids are all off school then , so the foods / utilities costs are very expensive during summer time .Oh I found a new job after 2 months of struggling. Then, comes the turmoil with an ex hubby about our kids fighting for child support and custody . Even better Now, My 6 months old Brand New Car has been having some major problems already .... Oh man!!! Sometimes you have to search deep to find the blessing, and sometimes it's just a matter of attitude. Im just grateful that I have my kids together with me and How fortunate that we each other. There is a blessing in just waking up each day and thinking just sharing our laughters, knowing they are healthy and they are all with me is the best Blessings a Mother could ask.

Sometimes we need to think like a child to truly REMEMBER the blessings in our lives. A snowflake can be a castle through the eyes of a child, or a snow fort. A rain drop is a puddle of joy to splash about in. As adults we forget the many wonders of this beautiful world we live in. Lush forests, vast oceans, majestic mountains, and winding streams. We are surrounded by beauty, but in a crisis we forget the blessing.

I pray everyone remembers that each one of us can be a blessing to another, just by a smile or kind word. The blessing isn't always JUST about us or what we hope to achieve or gain. A prayer, an old coat from your closet, a toy for a child, food given to bless another family, and the list goes on an on. You have the power to be THEE blessing today.
Today the blessing I have for you comes straight from my heart. I wish for you a joyous day EVERY day even when you struggle with finances, relationship, career, or a car. I think this world would be a better place if only we asked ourselves, "How can I be a blessing today? What can I do to make this world a better and brighter place?"

I wish you love and much laughter in the days ahead!



1 comment:

jelli said...


