Friday, November 28, 2008


Curvy Hwy 1

My two li'l girls and I woke up so early this morning . I've been thinking of what to write for Thanksgiving .While we're browsing on youtube when suddenly i remembered the song we sung on my 1986 High School Graduation from my Alma Mater back home, ST. RITA COLLEGE . ( My Goodness, I can still remember Sister Antonietta my music teacher playing the piano that day ,it was just like yesterday..Ohhh I miss my friends too). The song by the famous Carpenters, "Sometimes". It's a True Story by Henry Mancini's daughter Felice ,It's about this young girl who instead of buying her parents presence for the holidays , she wrote a Special Poem concerning her true and honest feelings about her friends and families. And of course, the genius Karen Carpenter loved it and made it a song , and here it goes....

Sometimes not often enough
We reflect upon the good things
And those thoughts always center around those we love
And I think about those people who mean so much to me
And for so many years have made me so very happy
And I count the times I have forgotten to say "thank you"
And just how much I love them

This Thanksgiving got me thinking about what I'm thankful for this year.
I'm thankful that God has taught me hard lessons, forcing me to grow in ways I'd never imagined. Remember, everytime a problem comes up, it is an opportunity to improve your life. Ask for wisdom from God and you will receive guidance and direction.
I'm thankful for the web for giving me an amazing outlet and the ability to connect with people all over ,People like you.
I am thankful for blessings and opportunities when we know sometimes that we don't deserve them. I am thankful for compassion and grace in our daily lives.
I am Thankful for my Kids that they are all healthy and We are All Together in One home, My Home.
I am Blessed to have great friends and families that's been there for me and my children in times of troubles. I am very Thankful for all my newly found friends since we moved here to TX -People from church St. Martin , My kids school FHS , My Friends from work COAF, and of course my dear friend Jeanette ...They All Stood by me.Thankful for my Ex's for the Good times and the Bad times,they made me Stronger each day!
Let's not forget to give Thanks to Our Brothers and Sisters in the Military serving in overseas away from home, from their families on this holidays. In every minute they fear about their life ,risking their lives so we can have a peaceful and wonderful holidays with our love ones back here. Please Always include them in your Prayers.
We have reason for hope this thanksgiving because thanksgiving touches upon a miralce for all who can believe in such a thing. It is the miracle of love. A miracle which promises to help you through all difficulty and a promise of spiritual proportions to save you ... even from yourself.

"Lord, Thank You for my Blessings. Help me to share my Blessings. Help me to be a Blessing and a source of Blessings for others too. Amen.

"It is Good to give Thanks to the Lord and to sing Praises to your Name, O Most High." (PS.92:1)

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