Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Age Related Dramas

When we are children we have drama on the playground . . . there is the pecking order . . . and we learn. But we are mostly concerned for the love of our adults, teachers, and parents.

When we are in High School we have drama, and the concern of what our peers are thinking and doing plays a major role in our lives. . . and the seriousness of the social order picks up in the ratings . . . as our future plans may be at stake. We win and we lose and we learn . . .

In our 20's we practice what we have learned of the losing and winning . . . and our life path is beginning to form from those losses or wins in our drama and manipulations. We are still learning but more learning how to perfect the game. Our peers are beginning to be not SO important, although they are important to us.

In our 30's we are the experts at drama! And we don't really care about peers, adults, or anyone else's role in the drama . . . we are the main character! The star of the show.
In our 40's we are beginning to weary of the game, and the wins don't seem worth it and the losses definitely are NOT worth the energy of the drama and games. We can see further than the end of our nose! And we know we don't know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE . . . and we realize we really don't want to know it all . . . and that is OK!

If your in your 50's and your still playing drama games . . . you need to have your head EXAMINED!! Cause by this age . . . we come to realize that life has a path that is pretty much already laid out as asphalt . . . no matter what drama is going on around us . . . it is what it is . . .


In our 60's we watch others play drama and enjoy the show from the road side, and if some SMART drama king or queen ask us for guidance we are happy to share our experience.
OK . . . I just got a call from a love one to remind me . . . that there is another factor in here . . . If we have been frozen in a stage of our drama . . . it can become our personality . . . for instance . . .

The 60 year old man who still loves his wife, or significant other, and would do anything to have that security of their love . . . although he may have one foot in the grave, and the other up his behind . . . as he makes comments about how lovely the nurses tits are!!!

Just giving you something to think about when it comes to drama and manipulations . . . they are an indication of maturity.

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