Sunday, August 15, 2010

Keep it Simple Stupid! ( KISS )

Time after time I am reminded of this simple truth. Treat others they way you want to be treated...THE GOLDEN RULE. This is the ultimate spiritual law that we must all abide by becuse it is directly related to karma.
There are three spiritual Laws we must always remember when we are dealing with another human being:

The Law of Retribution plus the law of Compensation equals the Law of Karma. It is simple but we make it complicated.

Law of Retribution... The phrase, "an eye for an eye",is a quotation from several passages of the Hebrew Bible in which a person who has injured the eye of another is instructed to give the value of his or her own eye in compensation. At the root of this principle is that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retribution for an offended party. It defined and restricted. ( so sad but it's true this as i recall, a law that has been practicing for so many years back home in the Philippines-somehow, sometimes that's the only justice you can get. You take one of my family member - i will take one of yours...fair enough!)

Law of Compensation..."We reap what we sow"...
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 ~ 1882) explains compensation in clear terms: “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”

“The whole of what we know is a system of compensations. Every defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up; every debt is paid.”

Law of Karma The Law of Retribution plus the law of Compensation equals the Law of Karma...the law of cause and effect.

Its is simple but we make it complicated.

I hope you guys enjoying your weekend, always be safe.

Love and Peace,

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