Thursday, August 19, 2010

Speaking Your Truth

(An Amazing Blog sent to me and I want to share- This is making alot of sense!)

When one hears the words "speak your truth" the first thing that comes to mind is to tell it like it is when communicating with others. Absolutely correct! However, the concept of "speaking your truth" goes beyond being forthright with dealing with others. It also applies to being honest with yourself. If people are hesitant to speak their truth with others, they are even more afraid to delve into their own truth and this leads to many of the difficulties a person encounters in their adult lives.

Once we are no longer children, we are free to choose how we want to handle our truths. Problems become magnified when we hide from what is true for us. These problems can manifest themselves into depression, excessive drinking or other addictive behaviors as we seek to hide our truth. In reality there are no real addictions other than the addiction to fear which can lead to addictive behavior.

I read an interesting article that pointed out that some who suffer from depression are people who are actually suppressing their psychic abilities. We all have physic abilities, it's a matter of how well developed they are and how much you choose to develop them. Just as the mind needs to be developed and fed knowledge, so the spirit needs to grow and express. If spirit is suppressed (especially when the soul is older in experience such as the higher life paths), depression is manifested and from there ego is in control. With ego comes fear. The only way to break the cycle is through the search for your truth. Once you allow the truth into your consciousness, abundance will flow into your life as you draw to yourself that which your soul truly desires.

The law of attraction works whether you choose to draw negative or positive things into your life and if you are in a place of negative, those are the experiences and people you will draw to yourself. A person who has spoken the truth to themselves exudes an outward calm and possesses an inward joy. You can feel their sense of peace and see how they live their life in balance. These people also have an innate acceptance of others with no demands made on others to fit certain expectations. Their motto may well be "live and let live" but they are also willing to assist if asked.

****This is a Great Blog ,indeed! Very well said. It helps me see clearly and understand even more how some people act the way they act. It is true, that alot of feelings that were supresses during childhood can affects one's life especially in their adult years where things gets more messier and complicated. Plus growing up in a very negative environment that's not even help at all - a person must be very tormented inside,spritually i suppose. I once was told a person needs to heal. For some, healing seems to be impossible but it can be achieved but a person has to go through alot of winding and rough roads it will be worth it only if they're willing to get some help nor even try. It definitely is , Speaking the Truth! - Ann ****

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