Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Beauty of Surrendering .. and I'm in Peace!!!

Okay...I give up...I surrender! I can no longer take on what God's job is. How did come to miraculous conclusion? Recent events in my life. For so many years now I've been debating if should I stay or should I go now?? But some remarks/ incidents occured lately just ultimately, made everything tastes so sour- a 90 degree turned around!!! And without even trying...I'm seeing myself cutting the cord that connects me from people who only brings me down with their miserable life or detaching myself from the negative situation.

As the day goes by , I am feeling the sense of Peace and NOT even feeling Angry of anything at all. For awhile I have tried to control every aspect of my life. I found out it no longer works! So here you go God take it away as I no longer can do it myself. I surrender! The person has consumed my heart, and soul. I was so exhausted, at the end of my rope. I have to love enough to let go.

I know that surrender sounds terrible to some. If you are a person who has been wounded in a past relationship, surrendering will sound scary if not way too vulnerable for you to do.The bad luck is really the past baggage that is being allowed to hurt the present. Bringing the past in your current relationship will make it crowded and your current partner will leave. And to those people who are loves and enjoys hurting others by being mean , saying "evil" words.....They are just impriosing themselves, Remember GOD is being gentle as possible and If You Ignore all his " Calls" and /or His " WILL".. THEN YOUR PAIN GETS STRONGER!!!

With that being said, this quote just perfect for you ...."Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you!"

Surrendering means letting go of what does not serve you. It is actually a strength, a wisdom, a growth and an awareness of something higher. I am beginning to open myself up again and surrender and it feels great and very freeing. I am choosing happiness over being right!


Wishing you Loads of Happiness.....

Love and Peace,

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