Tuesday, August 31, 2010

REVENGE??!!?? Spells??!!?? Really???

I recieved a txt from a friend today wanted to know about Spells. I laughed and asked her what in the world is going on? She replied about her husband who betrayed her so many times even after all the Unconditional Love she has been giving to him. He treated her like a common Trump! and Humiliated her numerous times infront of his family and his friends.

Hmmmm..... Funny, this is exactly what happened to me. So as a good friend, I tried to adviser about the Difference of a White Spell and A Black Spell. This is not something i would recommend especially forcing someone to love you - will only cause a tremendous pain and sufferings for both of you .

I do believe in Karma .. It will come maybe not soon enough but it will and that would be a bitch!! Whatever you feel, feel it, be it anger, sadness, whatever the emotion is. It's your right. In making this the final chapter, it is yours to feel all that you do.

I have emailed my friend a Blog i wrote in the Past - that i have never publish I told her to read and learn....

I have always been under the belief system that others cause harm because of the same unknowingly and unintentional reasons as me.

I have gotten angry, and have had bad thoughts and feelings toward someone a couple of times in my life.Sometimes I ask my advisors if so and so is going to get their up comings, they gently coach me that I need to heal and let God take care of the situation . . . that I need to move on down on my path . . .

I have NEVER done anything to this man to deserve this kind of disrespect or treatment. Everything that has happened to him, he brought upon himself, and he should have more dumped upon his evil head.

So REVENGE? I wake up this morning . . . wishing I had a Bazooka to shoot right down his RAPTOR mouth! I chastise myself for letting my Jurassic Park sized fence down and allowing him to know where I live. I think of all the spells and the spirits I have battled and overcome, and have STRONG desires to call them all down upon his mortal being!

I want to HATE all men, because of what this ONE man did to me, and has done to so other women. Oh, he is so clever . . . he makes you laugh, he makes you feel pretty, he says all the right things, get's you drunk, humiliates you, starts breaking your things, that you fear for your life, call the police . . . then because of his charm . . . the stupid cops think your in love with the fool . . . clever evil man.

This venting . . . may or may not be my revenge . . . as I am still mortal . . . I know intellectually, I need to forgive myself for allowing my fence down . . . I need to forgive myself for falling victim to someone who I knew was a complete ZERO but I did it anyway! Just because I wanted to feel the caress of sweet lips against mine . . . someone I had already been with . . . someone who I had already lost my virtue to . . . so it wouldn't count against me!!!

LOL!!! See the insanity of even my rationalization??? With all that I know!!! And I do know a lot!!! Even I fall prey!!! This time . . . KNOWINGLY!!!

Revenge??? I'm not sure just yet . . . Maybe what I will do is call upon all the spirits of all the women he has hurt and swirl that energy as a large vortex over his head!!! Just a thought!

But thoughts are things!!! so mote it be!

THAT and THIS is the difference between WHITE and BLACK magic!

God forgive me! Not sure about forgiving him . . .

Forgiveness is me giving up my RIGHT to hurt you for hurting me . . .

I'm not sure if I want to give up that RIGHT just yet!

Well, My friend I hope you feel better reading this... Honey, you are not alone. I myself went through all those bullshit ... you just need to learn. And if ever he comes back to your life - ONLY with a humble heart, A Humble Self ... Oppppssss... NO, NO, NO - You are not going to accept him that fast...He needs to learn , period! He needs to show you and your kids that he is someone worth to be with or even around your kids.

When someone lies, steals, cheats or anything that breaks a trust issue . . . it takes a long time for someone to redeem themselves if they have broken your trust . . . Some sheep do have wolves clothing . . . Don't be so trusting just because it looks like a sheep . . . is it walking and talking like a wolf?

I hope this helps you ....Forgive YOURSELF first! By doing so , YOu will learn to let go... who knows.. You might not want his low life ass back in your life again. And by that time, You won't even settle for anything less.... Ha!!!

Love and Peace,

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